Messina: Carabinieri carried out extraordinary checks. Several people reported for drunk driving, false identity, electricity theft and drug use

On Tuesday 24 September, the Carabinieri of the Messina Sud Company were engaged in an extraordinary territorial control service which concerned, in particular, the coast and the villages in the southern area of ​​the capital of the Peloritan region.

Messina: Carabinieri carried out extraordinary checks. Several people were reported for drunk driving, false identity, electricity theft and drug use.

On Tuesday 24th September, the Carabinieri of the Messina Sud Company were engaged in a extraordinary territorial control service which concerned, in particular, the coast and the villages in the southern area of ​​the Peloritan capital.

The service was implemented with the provision of patrols and checkpoints, also at nighttime, aimed at contrasting the crimes in general, especially those of a predatory nature and those connected to drug trafficking, as well as violations of the Highway Code.

At the end of the service, the military personnel of the Arma have checked more than 30 vehicles and over 60 people with the contestation of several violations of the Highway Code, also for conduct that seriously endangers the safety of motorists and pedestrians. With reference to crimes connected to road traffic, Three people have been reported to the Judicial Authority for driving under the influence of alcohol and three more for driving without a license with a repeat offense within two years.

Messina: effettuati dei controlli straordinari dai Carabinieri. Denunciate diverse persone per guida in stato di ebbrezza, falsa attestazione di identità, furto di energia elettrica e uso di droghe2

Furthermore, following the checks carried out, the Carabinieri reported – under various titles – three people respectively for having provided false identity attestations, circulation with a vehicle subject to administrative seizure and violations of the obligations imposed by the preventive measure of special surveillance. Six other people, however, were also reported for aggravated theft of electricity.

The military personnel of the Arma, with the technical support of specialized personnel from the electricity service company, carried out checks on some meters in a condominium that had wires dangling from the cavities. The investigation allowed them to discover illegal connections that individuals had created ad hoc, by means of a bypass, in order to fraudulently supply themselves with electricity stolen from the public grid, for the needs of their homes.

As part of the anti-drug activity, three young people aged between 23 and 33 have been reported to the Prefecture of Messina as drug users, since they were found in possession of doses of marijuana, hashish and cocaine, held for personal use, seized by the military and sent to the Carabinieri of the RIS of Messina for the relevant laboratory analyses.

Finally, the military proceeded to report two other individuals to the Prefecture for driving under the influence of alcohol with limits that provide for an administrative sanction.

Messina: effettuati dei controlli straordinari dai Carabinieri. Denunciate diverse persone per guida in stato di ebbrezza, falsa attestazione di identità, furto di energia elettrica e uso di droghe

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