Brolo and Capo d'Orlando: used glasses and bottles as weapons during a violent attack. Four subjects aged between 20 and 22 were arrested

The Carabinieri of the Brolo Station and personnel of the Capo d'Orlando Police Station, as part of a joint operation, have executed an order for the application of the precautionary measure of house arrest against four individuals, aged between 20 and 22, three of whom had already received DASPO Urbano issued by the Police Headquarters of Messina and Catania, who were jointly responsible for the crime of serious personal injury committed in Brolo on 24 July.

Brolo and Capo d'Orlando: used glasses and bottles as weapons during a violent attack. Four subjects aged between 20 and 22 were arrested.

This morning, the Carabinieri of the Brolo station and personnel of the Capo d'Orlando police station, as part of a joint operation, they executed an order for the application of the precautionary measure of house arrest, issued by the GIP of the Court of Patti, Dr. Ugo Molina, at the request of the competent Public Prosecutor's Office, led by Dr. Angelo Vittorio Cavallo, against four individuals, aged between 20 and 22, three of whom had already received DASPO Urbano orders issued by the Police Headquarters of Messina and Catania, who were jointly responsible for the crime of serious personal injury committed in Brolo on 24 July.

The restrictive measure arises from the outcome of the investigations conducted jointly by the soldiers of the Brolo Carabinieri Station and by the staff of the Capo d'Orlando PS Commissariat, started immediately after the bloody attack that occurred on the night of July 24th, both inside and outside a public place located on the Brolo seafront.

The investigations conducted, in perfect synergy between the two operating departments, starting from the phases immediately following the event, through the collection of converging statements made by the injured parties and eyewitnesses, as well as the acquisition and examination of video recordings, partly also disseminated via the web, in particular on social networks, have made it possible to identify all the authors of the contested criminal actions, to reconstruct the entire dynamics of the event and the conduct of the individual suspects, which consisted of attacks characterized by ferocity, savagery and brutality.

The elements collected made it possible to outline the futile reasons for the attacks suffered by the offended people, the first of which arose from the invitation addressed by one of them to a suspect, to whom they had simply been asked to wait in line to use the bathroom, since he had forcefully tried to avoid her.

It also resulted in a first violent attack through the use of glasses and bottles used as weapons, to hit the unfortunate ones even more violently, even to the face and head. The suspects, acting "in a pack", carried out attacks, in rapid succession among themselves and which also continued outside the premises, against the subjects who intervened in defense of the first.

The victims all sought medical treatment for their injuries serious injuries sustained following blows received to the head, face and various parts of the body.

The viewing of the images acquired made it possible to ascertain the conduct of the suspects also in relation to damage done, when leaving the premises, to parked cars and motorbikes.

Therefore, this morning, the Carabinieri of the Brolo station and the Judicial Police Team of the Capo d'Orlando police station tracked down the four suspects, arresting them in execution of the precautionary measure, subjecting them, at the end of the ritual formalities, to house arrest at the homes indicated by them respectively, available to the mandating Judicial Authority.

Brolo e Capo d'Orlando: usavano bicchieri e bottiglie come armi durante un'aggressione violenta. Arrestati quattro soggetti di età compresa tra i 20 e 22 anni

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