Marche Pride 2023, the mayor of Pesaro in Civitanova Marche: «Equality and the fight for rights are cultural values of our country. Those who haven't understood this live in the past."
Next year Pesaro will be the Italian Capital of Culture, the mayor hopes that the event can be held again in his city.
Marche Pride 2023, the mayor of Pesaro in Civitanova Marche: «Equality and the fight for rights are cultural values of our country. Those who haven't understood this are living in the past."
«Equality , fight for rights they are cultural values of our country. Those who have not understood this do not live in the contemporary world, but in the past." She said it the mayor of Pesaro Matteo Ricci al Marche Pride of Civitanova Marche. «Last year we were lucky enough to host this beautiful event, in 2024 we will be the Italian Capital of Culture and for us it would be a dream to have you back with us. We are in the front row, alongside those who fight for their rights, against a culture that is violent in words and sometimes in deeds, and against a society that is still too homophobic. A mayor knows how important the fight for rights is and it is also for our children. We need legislation that keeps up with the times. Those who did not give their patronage to Marche Pride did not understand that in this square there is the best of Italian civilization. A more advanced civilization, made up of young people, women, men with the same rights." In the end, "Keep fighting, we're on your side!».
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