Marche: New regional call for historical reenactments in the three-year period 2024-2026
Support and promote historical reenactments in the Marche region. This is the objective of the regional call for proposals for the presentation of projects aimed at the organization, realization and promotion of historical reenactment events included in the regional calendar.
An initiative that is based on the regional law through which the Marche Region recognizes historical reenactment events as expressions of the historical and cultural heritage of the Marche community ed effective tools for the development of forms of compatible tourism and for the growth of associations in the social and educational fields.
The novelty of the initiative is the possibility of planning events for the three-year period, with the aim of providing a more stable tool to local organizations and bodies. For these projects the Region will make available, in the three years 2024-2025-2026, a total of contributions equal to €600.000,00.
They are eligible to apply, in addition to the Marchigiana Historical Reenactment Association, for the organization of network initiatives and promotional campaigns, the organizers of historical re-enactment events registered in the regional calendar of historical re-enactment events which may be: local authorities; trade associations in the sector; Pro loco associations registered in the regional register; non-profit associations with tourist-cultural purposes.
They will not be admitted to participate in the tender subjects who benefit from other regional contributions for the same initiative.
It will be possible to submit a single application for participation, with the relative attachments required by the call, necessarily in electronic mode via the ProcediMarche web platform, under penalty of inadmissibility of the application itself, at the following link:
Applications must be received no later than 20/11/2024.
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