Ancona, three venues sanctioned for failure to comply with anti-covid regulations

Ancona, as part of the administrative checks arranged over the weekend by the Ancona Police Commissioner, Dr. Cesare Capocasa, to ensure compliance with the TULPS regulations for public places and compliance with the anti-covid legislation, the State Police of Ancona (Administrative and Security Team and UPGSP) carried out checks on three public businesses, which were found not to be in compliance, as their failure to comply with the anti-covid legislation was ascertained. -covid, as managers and employees did not wear masks and did not comply with some requirements (signs regarding distancing, maximum number of people who could access, etc.). A first place in the immediate vicinity of Piazza del Plebiscito was checked on Saturday evening; the owner (RG, 58 years old) he was not wearing a mask while serving customers. Also in another place, a "drink food" bar located in via Mazzini, the owner (CA, aged 31) he did not use protective equipment to operate and serve at the counter.

The third is an ethnic restaurant located in the via Fiorini area. In the latter case, yesterday, at lunchtime, a police car from the UPGSP club was alerted by an employee controlling the green pass of the aforementioned club, who had been pushed and was almost overwhelmed by a real own crowd of people, who wanted to enter the venue to celebrate a baptism.

When the patrol intervened they actually found the presence of around a hundred people outside the premises trying to access it. Even inside there were all the tables full and numerous people who, having not found a seat, were eating standing. No capacity limitation rules had been respected. The owner (CM, aged 20) had already been sanctioned in the past for failure to comply with anti-covid regulations. All three of the aforementioned premises will therefore have to observe five days of closure, starting from today, as an accessory sanction to the payment of the sum of 400 € as an administrative sanction provided for by the pandemic containment legislation.

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