Viadana: Convicted for driving offences with a European arrest warrant, 55-year-old arrested

a European arrest

Viadana: Convicted for driving offences with a European arrest warrant, 55-year-old arrested

The Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit of the Operational Department of Mantua have A 55-year-old Romanian citizen was arrested pursuant to a European arrest warrant issued by the Romanian authorities. The subject, who had been resident in Viadana for some time, was arrested by the military of the Investigative Unit because hit by European arrest warrant issued by the Reghin court, since convicted of driving with a revoked license and refusing to undergo blood alcohol tests.

The arrested man, after completing the formal procedures, was taken to the Mantua prison, at the disposal of the Court of Appeal of Brescia, where will serve a sentence of 6 months in prison.

Viadana: Condannato per reati di guida con mandato di arresto europeo, arrestato 55enne

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