Motteggiana: Huge quantities of ketamine, ecstasy, LSD and other drugs found in various “rave party” locations.

The search delegated by the Judicial Authority is the consequence of a complex and articulated investigative activity conducted by the military of the Gonzaga Carabinieri Company.

Motteggiana: huge quantities of Ketamine, ecstasy, LSD and other drugs found in various “rave party” locations.

In the early afternoon of Sunday 29 September, the Carabinieri of the Gonzaga Company, with the support of some canine unit The Carabinieri of Orio al Serio (BG) and Casatenovo (LC) and the Carabinieri of the Labour Inspectorate of Mantua, of the Anti-adulteration and Health Unit of Cremona and of the Carabinieri Forestry Group of Mantua, on a specific decree issued by the Judicial Authority of Mantua, have carried out a local search for narcotics in a private area, located in Motteggiana, near the Po floodplain, where for about a year dance parties similar to “rave party”, attended by hundreds of people from all over the country.

The search delegated by the Judicial Authority is the consequence of a complex and articulated investigative activity conducted by the military of the Gonzaga Carabinieri Company.

On this occasion they were Approximately 300 participants at the party were identified that, at the sight of the Carabinieri cars, many of them got rid of about 600 grams of various narcotic substances (hashish, marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, MDMA, “poppers”, hallucinogenic mushrooms, etc.) which were recovered by the Carabinieri, thanks to the nose skills of the “Grom” and “Perla” canine units, in bushes and ravines of that place and, in some cases, found following searches of people.

In particular, a 48-year-old Italian, originally from Bologna, was found in possession of approximately 30 grams of hallucinogenic mushrooms therefore, after the seizure carried out on site, it was necessary to also proceed with the search of his home, where the Carabinieri found and seized other 100 grams of “hallucinogenic mushrooms”, already packaged and ready for sale, as well as 2 precision scales and material for packaging drugs. The young man was thus arrested in flagrante delicto.

Motteggiana: durante una perquisizione in una location di vari “rave party” sono stati ritrovati grandissimi quantitativi di varie sostanze stupefacenti tra cui ketamina, exstasy, LSD e molte altre 2

But the same fate befell his roommate, a twenty-nine year old of Tunisian origin, who during the same house search was also found in possession of 12 doses of “cocaine”, also ready for dealing. Both were then taken to the “Dozza” prison in Bologna and, after the hearing to validate the arrest by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Bologna, they were subjected to the obligation to sign in that city.

At the end of the search operation in Motteggiana (MN), after having identified those present and recovered the drugs, the Carabinieri have identified some "illegal" workers, as well as finding shortcomings in terms of safety and the provision of food and drinks, for which they issued a fine to the event organizer, a 26-year-old from Mantua, fines for a total of approximately 30.000,00 euros. The same organizer was reported to the Judicial Authority in conjunction with other people, for the crime of drug dealing, thanks to the discovery and seizure, in the area of ​​his property, by the canine units of the Carabinieri, of 239 gr of “hashish, gr. 45 of “cocaine”, gr. 12 of “Marijuana”, gr. 86 of “ketamine”, 20 stamps of the type “LSD”, 44 “exstasy” pills, 3 bottles of “poppers” and 2 grams of “hallucinogenic mushrooms”.

The organizer of the event, moreover, was reported also by:

  • possession of counterfeit badges, since he was found in possession of a gun without the red cap, a blue flashing light and a metal plate similar to those used by the Police Force;
  • Failure to comply with the provisions for the protection of public safety.

The Carabinieri then subjected the preventive seizure of that private area, in order to prevent such events from happening again in the absence of measures to protect the safety of participants and in the presence of the illicit consumption and dealing of narcotic substances.
Overall, last Sunday the Carabinieri recovered and seized almost 600 grams of various narcotic substances.

Motteggiana: durante una perquisizione in una location di vari “rave party” sono stati ritrovati grandissimi quantitativi di varie sostanze stupefacenti tra cui ketamina, exstasy, LSD e molte altre

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