Mantua: Advice from the military to avoid falling victim to scams

national awareness campaign

Mantua: Advice from the military to avoid falling victim to scams

The Carabinieri of Mantua, on the basis of a national awareness campaign, wanted by the General Command of the Carabinieri in order to prevent unpleasant fraudulent episodes, recommend citizens to pay attention to certain behaviors carried out by scammers. The elderly category, to which the military is addressing, is the most vulnerable weak group, therefore prey to criminals. The Carabinieri, always at the service of the citizen, protects above all the weakest groups: children and the elderly. It is precisely towards this last category of people that this particular attention is given, as they are often victims of scammers who not only take advantage of the age of the potential victim, but try to hit their human side, the most fragile side, misleading the person.

There are various techniques used to carry out a scam: from false technical who asks to enter the house, to the phone call of the fake Carabiniere, or even to the technique of “mirror scam” used on unsuspecting drivers. It has happened many times that a fake technician (electricity, water, telephone, etc.) asks to enter the house pretending to check a gas leak or to check bills. Sometimes the elderly person is asked to take all the gold in the house and put it in the refrigerator, to preserve valuables from deterioration due to a fake gas leak.

It has also happened that a person, driving a vehicle, hears a loud noise, and shortly after is stopped by another car, whose driver claims that the two vehicles have collided causing a small damage. Damages are then requested, usually 100 or 200 euros for the broken mirror. Never pay if they ask you for money. If necessary, ask for a patrol of the Police to intervene on site.

But the technique that is unfortunately most used by these criminals is pretend to be fake Carabinieri. The elderly man receives a phone call from a self-styled Marshal of the Carabinieri, who informs him that his son has caused a serious car accident, and as a result he is in custody. The elderly man, emotionally affected by the news, is then asked to pay a sum of money for the release of his son. The fake Marshal thus comes to an agreement with the elderly person, informing him that a lawyer, also a fake, will show up at his home, responsible for collecting money and valuables in case the money is not enough.

The advice that the Carabinieri today want to repeat to the entire population is briefly summarized as follows:i:
– Never open the door of your house to unknown people;
- If a technician asks to access your home to carry out checks, if they are not wearing the required uniforms (Enel, Gas, etc.) and do not have their identification badge clearly visible, do not open the door;
- If you receive a phone call from the Carabinieri or the Police informing you that a relative (usually your child) has caused a serious road accident, and they ask for money for a bail or the person will have to be taken to prison, well this is definitely a scam. Law enforcement never asks for money! And in Italy there is no release on bail.
– If someone stops you on the street and pretends to know you, be careful because they might take off your watch or a necklace you're wearing., with the excuse of hugging you.

For any information or doubt, the Carabinieri invite citizens to contact 112, the single emergency number.

Mantova: Consigli da parte dei militari dell'arma per evitare di cadere vittime di truffe

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