Mantua: They were reselling stolen food. Romanians reported for receiving stolen goods

The Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Section of the Mantua Company, yesterday afternoon, during a routine traffic check, ordered a stop and carried out a check on a car with two men and a woman on board, all of Romanian origin, without a fixed abode in Italy and burdened by numerous precedents for having committed crimes against property.

Mantua: Reselling stolen food. Romanians reported for receiving stolen goods.

The Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Section of the Mantua Company, yesterday afternoon, during a routine traffic control, ordered a stop and they were carrying out an inspection on a car with two men and a woman on board, all of Romanian origin, without a fixed abode in Italy and burdened by numerous precedents for committing property crimes.

The three subjects, at the time of the check, they showed signs of nervousness, therefore they were subjected to personal and vehicle searches following which they came 18 bottles of alcohol were found, over 100 cans of tuna in oil, and the same number of chocolate bars, for a commercial value of 1.079 euros. A person was found on board the vehicle tool for removing anti-theft devices.

Mantova: trovati in possesso di una grande quantità di beni alimentari e non per un valore di 1.079 euro. Denunciati tre soggetti per ricettazione2

From investigations carried out in order to trace the origin of the stolen goods found, it emerged that all the goods had been stolen between 12:00 and 15:00 yesterday, October 2, from two city supermarkets.

What was found was seized, and the 3 subjects they have been denounced to the competent Judicial Authority for the crimes of receiving stolen goods and possession of objects capable of causing offence.

Mantova: trovati in possesso di una grande quantità di beni alimentari e non per un valore di 1.079 euro. Denunciati tre soggetti per ricettazione

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