Mantua: Financial Police checks the territory, 11 “illegal” workers found
Also in anticipation of the upcoming holidays, the economic control services of the territory will be further strengthened.
Mantua: Financial Police checks the territory, 11 “illegal” workers found
The activity of the Yellow Flames of the Provincial Command of the Guardia di Finanza of Mantua continues, within the framework of the constant economic control of the territory, with further intensification of prevention and contrast actions, also in anticipation of the upcoming holidays.
In this context, with specific dedicated service activities, the Guardia di Finanza of Mantua has ascertained, in recent days, another ten workers completely "in black", in the textile packaging sector. More specifically, 27 workers were checked, Of which n.11 “undeclared” workers e n. 2 without a residence permit.
Consequently, the relevant sanctions were triggered, in terms of employment, pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 12/2002 and subsequent amendments, as well as, given that the threshold of 10% of "undeclared" workers was exceeded, specific reports were sent to the Territorial Labour Offices, for the related measures to suspend activities, pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 81/2008.
For the 2 “undeclared” workers, foreign subjects, found to be without a residence permit, the aggravated situation is also provided for, pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 286/1998.
The operational activity in question is part of the fight against the underground economy in companies and at work, phenomena which jeopardise the economic and financial balance of the country, being oriented towards the illegal reduction of "structure" costs, both fiscal and organizational and, nevertheless, labor, to maximize profits and obtain improper competitive advantages. Countering such forms of tax and contributory evasion means promoting a more fair distribution of tax burden among citizens, from the series “pay everyone to pay less".
The Guardia di Finanza, as an economic and financial police force, is always attentive, in order to try to deal with, and even before trying to prevent, in their entirety, all those phenomena that constitute obstacle to growth and the creation of a fully competitive market, on which to base the development of a more equitable society, attentive to the needs of each individual and always close to the Citizens, not least through the "Public Utility Service 117".
Always in anticipation of the upcoming holidays, there will be further Strengthened economic control services in the territory, for example, in recent days, A scam targeting the elderly was foiled with the arrest of the person responsible for the crime, approximately 1 kilogram of narcotic substances seized e Over 30 thousand liters of DOC-DOP-IGP wine seized for violations of production and tracking disciplinary forms.
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