Mantua: In order not to provide documents, he bites a Carabiniere's hand, 23-year-old arrested

an arrest

Mantua: In order not to provide documents, he bites a Carabiniere's hand, 23-year-old arrested

The owner of a bar located in via Sandro Pertini, a 37enne of Chinese origin but resident in Mantua for a long time, invites the last customers to leave the premises, as closing time has arrived and, respectful of the rules, does not want to have problems. But the problem is created by him a 23 year old boy who just doesn't want to know to go out into the cold and frost. The same, with a lightning-fast move, climbs over the counter of pouring grabbing the owner by the sweatshirt which, following the attack, fell to the ground breaking a plasterboard wall.

The owner of the public establishment was forced to call 112, indicating that a customer does not want to leave, and he should close the business. A patrol intervened on site of the Carabinieri Radiomobile Section of Via Chiassi who, having understood the problem, turned to the young man inviting him to go out and, at the same time, asking him for his documents. The same, however, he refused to provide the documents, starting to attacking the soldiers with kicks, punches and… biting a Carabiniere on the hand. The young man was immobilized and arrested by the Carabinieri.

It is precisely the men in uniform who are forced to go to the Emergency Room of the “Carlo Poma” Hospital: between bites, kicks and punches, both will get away with it. 7 day prognosis. The arrested person, once the formal procedures had been completed, was held in the security cell awaiting the summary trial and then taken to the Court of Mantua. The Judge, after having the arrest was validated operated legitimately by the Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Section, he released the subject, subjecting him to the obligation to report to the Judicial Police.

Mantova: Pur di non fornire i documenti morde la mano ad un Carabiniere, arrestato 23enne

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