
Tolentino, other Egyptians reported for the Tolentino brawl of September 4, 2024

The Carabinieri have identified the 7 Egyptians involved in the brawl on September 4th, all employed on post-earthquake reconstruction sites

Tolentino (Macerata), other Egyptians reported for the Tolentino brawl of September 4, 2024

The Carabinieri of the Tolentino Operative and Radiomobile Unit have identified the 7 Egyptians involved in the brawl on September 4, all employed on post-earthquake reconstruction sites. The military, together with those from the Tolentino and Caldarola stations, intervened at a local bar following a report from some citizens who had reported a fight between a group of men, two of whom were armed with knives, which took place very close to the public gardens, also frequented by minors.

Tolentino, altri egiziani denunciati per la rissa di Tolentino del 4 settembre 2024

Upon the arrival of the Carabinieri at the reported location, the men involved in the criminal event hastily fled through the surrounding streets, disappearing without a trace. After the incident, two of the men involved in the incident went to the emergency room of the Tolentino hospital to have superficial cuts to their limbs treated, which they had suffered shortly before during the brawl, and which were judged to heal in 3 days. The two men who were found to be actually involved in the brawl were immediately reported to the Judicial Authority.

Subsequent investigations allowed, thanks to the videos and the valuable testimonies of the citizens present, to identify, identify and report for "brawl", and one of them also for "carrying weapons and objects capable of causing offence", the other 5 Egyptian men, all domiciled in some cities in northern Italy.

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