Tolentino: Coordinated territorial control service, 3 fines issued for violations of the highway code for a total amount of 2.157 euros
control of the territory
Tolentino: Coordinated territorial control service, 3 fines issued for violations of the highway code for a total amount of 2.157 euros.
In conjunction with the Christmas holidays, the Tolentino Carabinieri Company has further strengthened its territorial control system, consequently intensifying prevention activities through the execution of targeted checks in the areas and places considered most sensitive.
The synergic action of the dependent Stations and the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus aimed to prevent and repress crimes in general, with particular reference to those against property and relating to narcotics, as well as violations of the highway code. Particularly checkpoints have been increased on the main arteries characterised by an increase in road traffic, as well as the passage of patrols in front of and near sensitive targets.
In particular, 6 patrols were employed in the area, which checked 94 people, including 23 foreigners, 56 vehicles, some public establishments and sensitive targets. 3 fines were issued for violations of the highway code for a total amount of € 2.157, with the administrative seizure of a vehicle. A bricklayer 20enne, with a police record, checked at the Tolentino railway station he was found to be in possession of three doses of hashish, one gram each, and a pre-packaged joint, and was therefore reported to the Prefect of Macerata for personal use of narcotics.
A 26-year-old worker with no criminal record has been reported to the Judicial Authorities for aggravated theft, since it was checked near a shopping centre in Tolentino found in possession of a package of perfume worth 40 euros, which had been stolen shortly before from the shelves of a shop.
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