Quadrilatero Marche-Umbria, ANAS: the second section of the Pedemontana delle Marche open to traffic
The president of the Marche Region and the Infrastructure Councilor were present. Now 8,4 km passable between Matelica Nord and Castelraimondo Nord. Investment of 96 million euros. Work continues to complete the last two sections up to Muccia
Quadrilatero Marche-Umbria, ANAS: the second section of the Pedemontana delle Marche open to traffic
The Quadrilatero Marche-Umbria company, a subsidiary of Anas (Italian FS Group), opened to traffic the second functional section 'Matelica Nord-Castelraimondo Nord' of the Pedemontana delle Marche road, connection axis between the Perugia-Ancona and Foligno-Civitanova Marche routes between Fabriano and Muccia.
Ribbon cutting in the presence of president of the Marche Region who, after thanking all those who have contributed to the realization of the work in recent years, reiterated that the infrastructure now open, much awaited by the entire community, will contribute to regenerating the entire regional territory. AND a fundamental work, which has been in the works for some time, the result of collaboration between the various administrations and local authorities, which represents a crucial hub for the regeneration of the hinterland, of the villages and also for the regeneration after the 2016 earthquake. The president added that with the Quadrilatero After many years, it has been possible to strengthen the region's infrastructure. The inaugurated section is important because it will allow the connection between Fabriano, Matelica and Castelraimondo but also the reunion with the SP 77.
Alongside the president of the Marche Region also the vice-president, the councilor for Infrastructure and the councilor for culture.
The infrastructure councilor highlighted how this was accomplished today another step forward for the Pedemontana delle Marche, the motorway of the internal territories which develops along the Urbino-Ascoli Piceno route, crossing the four major motorways of the Marche region close to the Sub-Apennine belt, from Fano-Grosseto to Salaria, passing through the two sides of the Quadrilatero. The Infrastructure Councilor further explained that they are another 8,4 km south of Fabriano have been opened, between Matelica and northern Castelraimondo, a stretch that still brings you closer to Civitanova Marche-Foligno. A great leap forward, which will now be followed by the one that will unite Fabriano and Sassoferrato. Thus the Mattei Plan advances through the streets of the Marche. Advance the Marche Infrastructure Plan 2032.
The stretch open to traffic, for a investment of 95,7 million euros, is 8,4 km long in total and is added to the first section opened in 2021, making a total of 17 km passable between Fabriano and Castelraimondo.
The route includes 2 tunnels: the “Croce di Calle” tunnel, 1,5 km long, and the “Mistrianello” tunnel, approximately 1 km long. There are also 5 bridges and viaducts and 4 junctions at staggered levels which ensure connection to the local road network: Matelica Nord, Matelica Ovest, Matelica Sud and Castelraimondo Nord.
In the meantime, work continues for the completion of the remaining two functional sections which will complete the entire Fabriano-Muccia route, 35 km long overall, for a total investment of 344 million euros.
The completion of all works is expected by the end of the current year, compatibly with the management of important archaeological finds, in agreement with the competent Superintendence.
The works were entrusted by Società Quadrilatero to the general contractor Dirpa 2 Scarl, whose main contractor is Partecipazioni Italia SpA (Webuild Group).
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