Marche: Prevention services by the Carabinieri on the territory

Prevention services by the Carabinieri in the territory

Marche: Prevention services by the Carabinieri on the territory


During the prevention services, The Carabinieri have reported a 31-year-old criminal for aggravated theft, because he had stolen an item of clothing from a shopping centre, after having removed the anti-theft device. The preventive measure of the Mandatory Via Sheet was also executed on the suspect, with a ban on returning to the municipality of Porto Recanati for a period of one year, issued by the Police Chief of Macerata following a request from the local Carabinieri Station Command. The goods found were returned to the store manager;


The Carabinieri intervened at the Emergency Room, at the request of health workers, where the presence of a man in a very agitated state had been reported, who demanded to be seen by the doctors a second time, even though he had already been treated for the same pathology the previous day. The man was wandering around the emergency room, even in areas where access is prohibited to the public, bothering doctors, nurses and other patients.

The soldiers tried to calm the individual down, inviting him to leave the health facility, but in response he assumed a threatening tone, uttering serious insults towards them. The suspect was accompanied to the barracks for the formal procedures, but after leaving, instead of returning home, he went back to the emergency room, always assuming disrespectful and offensive attitudes towards doctors, security personnel and the soldiers of the Radiomobile Unit themselves, who were forced to return to the scene.

The 49-year-old finally left the place of treatment after having undergone a further medical examination. He was reported for the crime of insulting a public official;

The same military personnel from the Nucleo Radiomobile of the capital reported a 22-year-old with no criminal record, for the crime of illegal possession of objects capable of offending. During a routine check, a metal baseball bat, 75 cm long, was found on board his car.

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