
Pollenza: 43-year-old reports he pretends to be an insurance agent online

Online scammer reported

Pollenza: 43-year-old reports he pretends to be an insurance agent online

In Pollenza, a local pensioner reported to the local Carabinieri station that he had been defrauded by a so-called insurance agent. The complainant, after having carried out some research on the web for the RCA insurance policy for his car, he was contacted by a self-styled insurance broker from a well-known insurance company who offered him a cost-effective policy.

The pensioner, after accepting the proposal, made, as agreed with the broker, the transfer of €230,00 to the broker's Postepay card. Only later, the complainant, aroused by suspicions after a further phone call received from a self-styled official of a well-known banking institution, carried out a check within Poste Italiane and the insurance company, ascertaining that he did not appear to be the holder of any RCA policy. The military, having carried out the necessary banking and telematic checks, then identified and reported the 43-year-old from Campania for "fraud".

Pollenza: Si finge agente assicurativo online, denunciato 43enne

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