Macerata: Attempts to bribe military personnel to avoid license seizure, 25-year-old reported to judicial authorities

control of the territory

Macerata: Attempts to bribe military personnel to avoid license seizure, 25-year-old reported to judicial authorities

During the Christmas holidays, the device control of the territory implemented by the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Macerata, consequently intensifying prevention activity through the execution of targeted checks in the areas and places considered most sensitive. In particular, they were checkpoints increased on the main arteries characterised by an increase in road traffic.

The Camerino Radiomobile Squad has checked a 25enne, resident in the province who, while driving his car in Castelraimondo, was found positive to the breathalyzer test, with a blood alcohol level of 1,60 g/l, and the young man being aware of the new rules of the Highway Code, to avoid having his driving license revoked, he attempted to bribe the military operating and therefore was reported to the Judicial Authority for driving under the influence of alcohol, resulting in the withdrawal of the driving licence.

Meanwhile, the Radiomobile Section of the capital intervened in Cingoli for a car that went off the road, which was driven by a 40enne of Romanian nationality who, after being rescued, was subjected to the required breathalyser tests, resulting positive with a blood alcohol level of 1,84 g/l therefore the woman was also reported to the competent Judicial Authority for driving under the influence of alcohol, with the consequent withdrawal of her driving license.

Macerata: Tenta di corrompere i militari per evitare il sequestro della patente, 25enne deferito all’Autorità Giudiziaria

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