Macerata: free public transport on holidays and pre-holidays during the Christmas period

The days affected will be November 30, 1, 7, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 28, 29, 31 December and 4 and 5 January.

Macerata: free public transport on holidays and pre-holidays during the Christmas period

The Municipal Council has approved the resolution which provides for the free local public transport service in the period related to the upcoming Christmas holidays: from November 30 to 6 January 2025, on holidays and pre-holidays, it will be possible to use the city buses for free.

The days of the will be affected November 30, December 1, 7, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 28, 29, 31 and January 4 and 5. They will be positioned, in accordance with am, signs with dedicated information in the various city shelters to inform the population about the measure adopted by the Administration.

“After the experimentation regarding free travel during the holiday period last year and in the month of August, we have decided to propose this measure again to promote and facilitate, at the same time, the use of the bus and access to and enjoyment of the various city initiatives – said the mayor Sandro Parcaroli -. Thanks, for the collaboration, to Apm that accepted the request of the Municipal Administration”.

“Given the great appreciation of the citizens, we are reintroducing free buses on holidays and the days before holidays and therefore the slogan is back”Leave your car at home and get on the bus for free for your Christmas shopping” – said the councilor with responsibility for Mobility Laura Laviano -. An initiative born to promote local public transport and facilitate trips around the city during the Christmas holidays, especially on those days full of events proposed by the Administration in collaboration with commercial activities”.

Macerata: trasporto pubblico gratuito nei giorni festivi e prefestivi durante il periodo natalizio

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