Macerata: execution of precautionary measure in prison for attempted murder and very serious personal injuries

After the notification, the man was taken to the Ancona prison by Penitentiary Police personnel, who ensured the guard at the Macerata Hospital.

Macerata: execution of precautionary measure in prison for attempted murder and very serious personal injury.

The 23-year-old from Gagliole, Ivan Zamparini, who, under the influence of drugs and in a fit of rage, stabbed his father and mother in their home in Gagliole, has been discharged from the hospital in Macerata.

Due to the injuries sustained, the father was hospitalized with a reserved prognosis and underwent surgery at the hospital in Ancona, while the mother was hospitalized at the hospital in Camerino.
The Carabinieri of the Macerata Station notified the young man of the order of precautionary custody in prison, issued by the GIP of the Court of Macerata, for the crimes of attempted murder and very serious personal injury.

After the notification, the man was taken to the Ancona prison by Penitentiary Police personnel, who ensured the guard at the Macerata Hospital.
Macerata: esecuzione misura cautelare in carcere per tentato omicidio e lesioni personali gravissime.

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