Civitanova Marche: he tries to steal a cell phone from a girl's hands. A 36-year-old man arrested by the Carabinieri

The Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Unit of the Civitanova Marche Company arrested a 36-year-old Tunisian citizen, illegally residing in the country and without a fixed abode, for attempted robbery and personal injury to the detriment of a 20-year-old girl resident in the province of Fermo.

Civitanova Marche: attempts to steal a cell phone from a girl. A 36-year-old man arrested by the Carabinieri.

The Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Unit of the Civitanova Marche Company have arrested a 36-year-old Tunisian citizen, illegally residing on the national territory and homeless, for attempted robbery and personal injury against a 20-year-old girl resident in the province of Fermo.

Last night, the non-EU citizen approached the victim in Civitanova Marche, in Viale Matteotti, Lungomare Nord area, and jerking her attempted to take away her cell phone. A passerby, who witnessed the scene, requested the intervention of a patrol that immediately arrived on the scene. The military, after having the attacker was stopped, they accompanied him to the barracks for identification and formal procedures. The Tunisian was like this taken to Montacuto prison.

The girl in the most heated phases of the ambush is fell to the ground and suffered abrasions on various parts of the body, resulting in personal injuries that will heal in 10 days.

Civitanova Marche: tenta di rubare un telefono cellulare dalle mani di una ragazza. Arrestato dai Carabinieri un 36enne

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