Tolentino, Nigerian arrested for resisting a public official, illegal possession of weapons and aggravated threat
Tolentino (Macerata), arrest of a foreigner for resisting a public official, illegal possession of weapons and aggravated threat
Tolentino (Macerata), Nigerian arrested for resisting a public official, illegal possession of weapons and aggravated threats.
The Mobile Radio Unit of the Carabinieri Company of Tolentino arrested a 31-year-old originally from Nigeria, of no fixed abode, with a criminal record and unemployed, for resisting a public official, illegal possession of weapons and aggravated threats. Yesterday afternoon the patrol intervened in Tolentino, at the train station bar, where the man, following an argument with the shopkeeper, armed with a knife, tried to hit the latter, but was unsuccessful in his attempt thanks to the arrival of the military.
The foreigner also pointed the gun at the Carabinieri, who quickly managed to stop him and disarm him. The knife was seized and the offender is being held in a holding cell at the disposal of the competent Judicial Authority., awaiting the very direct rite.
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