Civitanova Marche: Uses pepper spray inside a nightclub, 20-year-old reported

a complaint

Civitanova Marche: Uses pepper spray inside a nightclub, 20-year-old reported

A patrol of the Radiomobile Unit of the Carabinieri Company of Civitanova Marche intervened inside the DONOMA nightclub in Civitanova Marche, where the presence of a man who had used pepper spray inside the room had been reported. The Carabinieri promptly The perpetrator of the act, a young 20 year old Moroccan citizen, was stopped and identified, resident in Civitanova Marche and in regular possession of a residence permit.

The man was reported to the Judicial Authority for several crimes, including dangerous throwing of objects, illegal possession of objects capable of causing offence and illegal possession of medicines of table IV. Following a personal search The military found and seized 2 canisters of pepper spray, 8 benzodiazepine tablets obtained without a mandatory medical prescription, and a gold chain hidden in the patient's oral cavity. The intervention of the Carabinieri prevented the continuation of acts potentially dangerous for public safety.

Civitanova Marche: Utilizza spray al peperoncino all’interno di una discoteca, denunciato 20enne

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