Civitanova Marche: Robbery and aggravated injuries, two citizens aged 32 and 42 arrested

two stops

Civitanova Marche: Robbery and aggravated injuries, two citizens aged 32 and 42 arrested

The Carabinieri of the Civitanova Marche Station, within the framework of prevention services carried out in the Province, they tracked down and arrested two non-EU citizens of Nigerian nationality of 32 and 42 years old, in execution of two separate orders of expiation of sentences issued by the Court of Macerata. Foreigners, both sentenced by the Court of the capital for the crimes of "robbery and aggravated assault", will have to serve a sentence of 3 years and 1 month of imprisonment. After the ritual formalities, the two were taken to the Fermo prison where they will serve their sentences.

Civitanova Marche: Rapina e lesioni aggravate, arrestati due cittadini di 32 e 42 anni

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