Two million euro interventions for the cleaning of 24 rivers: agreement between the basin authority and ESA
Cleaning will be carried out exclusively during low water periods, ensuring hydraulic safety conditions on construction sites.
Two million euro interventions for the cleaning of 24 rivers: agreement between the basin authority and ESA.
Sicily region. Cleaning interventions on 24 rivers, for a total of approximately two million euros, in the provinces of Palermo, Agrigento and Trapani thanks to an agreement between the Basin Authority of the Presidency of the Sicilian Region and the Agricultural Development Authority (Esa). It's all about approximately 70 kilometers of waterways characterized by strong criticality on which cleaning and weeding works will be carried out on the riverbeds, removing spontaneous vegetation and alluvial debris. The agreement provides for make procedures more streamlined and effective for extraordinary and urgent maintenance works on the regional water property.
For these interventions the Basin Authority will make available the resources assigned to it by the regional budget and will provide technical-scientific support. ESA will act as a contracting authority and will use manpower hired ad hoc, oras well as own or rented vehicles.
Cleaning will be carried out exclusively during low water periods, ensuring hydraulic safety conditions on construction sites. In fact, for each work a manager will be appointed who will suspend the works in the event of sudden and violent rain events, meteorological-hydrogeological alert notices issued by the regional department of Civil Protection and when prescriptions or warnings will be dictated by the bulletin of Air Force Meteorological Service.
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