Trieste: “Notturno” the new bus service presented

Municipal councilor Babuder: "The project is the result of the excellent synergistic work between bodies, institutions and the company"

Trieste: “Notturno” the new bus service presented.

Is called "NIGHTMORE” (as trains were once called, or as Chopin's dreamy nocturne) the new on-demand bus service by Tpl Fvg. Presented yesterday evening (Wednesday 19 July) with an inaugural run between Piazzale Europa and Piazza Venezia (two evocative places, chosen not by chance), the service is the result of an intense collaboration between Trieste Trasporti, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and the University of Trieste.

"NIGHTMORE“, which for now will only be active in the regional capital, is the first local public transport service in Friuli Venezia Giulia to serve one time slot – the nocturnal one, in fact – which remains traditionally discovered by normal line connections: the service, in fact, will be active on Fridays and Saturdays from 22.00pm to 4.00am and from October, will also be extended to Wednesday, at the same times.

NATO from an idea of ​​the University of Trieste, which with a questionnaire collected and analyzed the mobility demand and evening habits of the students, "NOTTURNO" was created by Tpl Fvg (through the consortium Trieste Trasporti), shared with the Municipality of Trieste and authorized by the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia. The post-sales service, which will be operational from tomorrow evening, Friday 21 July, will be operated by three buses which, based on customer calls and reservations, will move along non-predefined routes between Viale dei Campi Elisi, Piazza Garibaldi, Piazzale Gioberti, Via Valerio and Barcola (within a perimeter indicated by the students in the answers to the questionnaire): without a reservation you will not be able to board.

Il post-sales service – aimed mostly at young people and university students, but in truth open to everyone – it will be possible book exclusively via the TsonDemand app (available for Android and iOS), d14 days 45 minutes before the racea: bus routes will be automatically generated by the system based on reservations, and transit times will be communicated to customers via text message just over half an hour before the passage. The stops used by the "NIGHT" will be those already normally used by daytime scheduled services. The TOnDemand app is already online and it is immediately possible to book the first rides starting from Friday. The ticket, which costs 2,50 euros per ride, you purchase directly in the app with a credit card or PayPal: the payment is accounted for when you get on board and give your name to the driver. There The first ride is free for those who sign up for the service. For the summer months, one will be applied promotional rate of 2 euros.
On the Tpl Fvg website, under CALL SERVICES, there is a large page dedicated to the service with a section of questions and answers which will be gradually updated.

Trieste: presentato "Notturno" il nuovo servizio di autobus

"I fully agree with the initiative, the methodological and design approach proposed for the service we are inaugurating today" said Michele Babuder, municipal councilor for territorial policies. “I believe that this service can provide concrete and effective responses to needs that have been expressed in the area for some time. In this regard, I recall the request to evaluate the establishment of a night-time on-call service that the municipal council had formalized to the Region and the company already in 2019, in the phase preceding the launch of the new service contract. It is an experimental and innovative service for the city, which I have no doubt will be much appreciated by young people and beyond. It will be essential to proceed with a constant monitoring activity of the service in order to calibrate it as best as possible and improve its usability and attractiveness for users, as part of the discussion on mobility management and the sharing process which constantly involves my offices , the Region, the University and the Company. I hope that further implementations of the service can be evaluated, on other days, time slots and areas served, to expand the catchment area also from a tourist perspective, also involving students of secondary schools in the future".

According to Aniello Semplice, CEO of Tpl Fvg, “NOTTURNO is yet another value that Trieste Trasporti gives back to a territory that continues to show its appreciation for the company every day. We have had video surveillance on the entire fleet for years, with a great contribution in terms of greater safety for the city (as evidenced by the numerous cases resolved also thanks to this technology), contactless devices for purchasing tickets on board with a credit card, Quality WIFI on all buses, on-board monitors, electronic poles, digital totems in the area and now the "NIGHT", as a contribution to the extraordinary liveliness that the city is showing in this period. A financial, organizational and technological commitment that makes Trieste Trasporti a national best practice, recognized at all levels, made possible by the commitment of many women and men but also by the discreet and solid presence of a large international group like Arriva, controlled by Deutsche Bahn, whose strength and relationships allow it to bring world-class players such as Via Transportation, an Israeli company that is a world leader in the on-call transport sector, to Trieste".

"NIGHT – declared Roberto Di Lenarda, Magnificent Rector of the University of Trieste – was born from the desire to offer our students a service in line with the major European university cities. In recent months we have proposed them a questionnaire which has helped to outline the service in detail. From today we are responding to a demand for mobility, which we have perceived for some time, with an effective service built on the real needs of young people. “NOTTURNO”, thanks to the collaboration between our university, Tpl Fvg, the Region and the Municipality, will make an important contribution not only to making Trieste increasingly a university city, but will improve the quality of life of all citizens”.

Also present at the inauguration of the service was the regional councilor for Infrastructure,
Cristina Amirante who declared: “Public transport services, to intercept the new, unexpressed demand of the population, must equip themselves with innovative and contemporary actions aimed at encouraging its diffusion and development, such as the night call service in Trieste. Also in the Pordenone PUMS there is a similar project, now being examined by the Region, which concerns the city's night and holiday service. Congratulations therefore to all the actors of this great project, the outcome of which can today represent a model that can be exported to other areas of the region".

Added Maurizio Marzi Wildauer, president of Trieste Trasporti: “It is no coincidence that public road transport services throughout the world are traditionally less intense at night: the complexities are different and concern not only economic sustainability or safety, but also maintenance services and assistance that drivers must be assured. With "NOTTURNO" we are implementing a service in Trieste which, for the first time in Friuli Venezia Giulia, addresses these complexities and gives a concrete answer to those who move at night on weekends. The effort on the part of the company was very important, both to guarantee the safety of the drivers, who will have to be able to count on full assistance even at 3.00 am, and that of the passengers. “NOTTURNO” will be able to count on the one hand on a patrol service by private security institutes and on the other on the collaboration of the police headquarters, which I would like to personally thank and which has ensured maximum attention to the service".

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