Today in Arezzo the presentation of the vehicles built by Rampini of Passignano sul Trasimeno. An additional 4 Euro 6+ city buses are added

The Arezzo fleet is renewed with two 100% made in Italy electric buses.

Today in Arezzo the presentation of the vehicles built by Rampini of Passignano sul Trasimeno. An additional 4 Euro 6+ city buses are added

Arezzo. Two new city buses are the first of the electric fleet of Autolinee Toscane in Arezzo. Today, in Piazza della Libertà in front of the Municipality headquarters, the presentation in the presence of the mayor of Arezzo, Alessandro Ghinelli; of the municipal mobility councilor Alessandro Casi; of the regional councilor for mobility of the Tuscany Region Stephen Baccelli; the President and CEO of at Gianni Bechelli and Jean-Luc Laugaa and representatives of the construction company, the Italian Rampini of Passignano sul Trasimeno in the province of Perugia.

The vehicles fall within the “Arezzo Project”, developed by Autolinee Toscane in harmony with the sustainable mobility needs of the Municipality of Arezzo, which benefited from funding from the Tuscany Region as part of Ministerial Decree 81/2020. The total amount of financed expenditure is equal to 1.001.196 euros: the costs of the two buses but also of the charging station which will be installed in the AT depot in Setteponti are fully covered.

“The arrival in Arezzo of the first two electric buses in Tuscany materializes our commitment to more sustainable and reliable mobility: new, modern vehicles equipped with on-board monitoring will finally guarantee safer journeys and a more transparent service for citizens – declares the Regional Councilor for Mobility Stefano Baccelli. - Also for this reason, the renewal of the vehicle fleet remains an absolute priority. I am therefore proud of this result – concludes Baccelli – which I hope that Autolinee Toscane will not fail to follow up with an unequivocal commitment to ensure that every territory of our Region is reached as soon as possible by efficient means worthy of our investment”.

“With the arrival of these two electric buses – explains the President of Autolinee Toscane, Gianni Bechelli - we maintain the commitment we made with the city of Arezzo, the first of the Tuscan urban areas to see the arrival of new zero-emission vehicles, with a view to an increasingly sustainable culture of collective mobility which will see us even more active during the 2024 thanks to further deliveries already planned for other cities. The vehicles will be in circulation at the beginning of the new year as soon as the work to install the charging station in our depot is completed."

“Our process of renewing the fleet we inherited continues – adds the CEO of at, Jean-Luc Laugaa - and these two electric buses are in tune with our challenge of an increasingly efficient and sustainable public transport service. We don't stop here because in these days another four latest generation Euro 6+ urban buses are also being delivered which will make it possible to meet the need for vehicles for the urban network of Arezzo which in recent weeks has seen numerous critical issues despite our great effort in the field of maintenance of the existing park, for which I would like to thank the great work carried out by all our employees".

“With these two new electric buses we are starting the adaptation of the vehicle fleet with the progressive replacement of the existing ones, thus proceeding in a concrete manner in the commitment undertaken by this administration to reduce the emission of polluting gases into the atmosphere and fully falling within the objectives of promoting sustainable mobility, these are also priorities and necessary for environmental protection – declares the mayor Alessandro Ghinelli -. We hope to continue the collaboration with the Tuscany Region and AT in the process already started to achieve future medium and long-term objectives".

“The Municipality of Arezzo was among the first to present its project for the electrification of public transport to the regional transport councilor and the president of AT, starting a process which in a short time brought two new zero-emission vehicles to the city, the first step fleet renewal timetable. It will be fundamental to seize the opportunities and technological innovations that the ever-evolving market will offer“, says the councilor Alessandro Casi.

“The Eltron Rampini that we deliver today enrich the fleet of Autolinee Toscane which, since its establishment, has undertaken a virtuous path of renewing its fleet, aiming for zero-emission transport - declares Caterina Rampini, Vice President and CEO of Rampini SpA -. We are honored to accompany Autolinee Toscane on this decarbonisation journey and to see our Eltrons circulating through the historic streets of Arezzo".

The two new electric buses will mainly be used along the itinerary of the urban line C, which moves within the historic center of Arezzo, which will therefore be completely electrified.
During the press conference, the new look of electric buses was also presented, with an ad hoc logo which, starting from the official logo of at, hosts the two symbols of electric, the classic "plug" and a leaf to underline the positive impact that electric vehicles have on air quality therefore on community life and the territory where these vehicles operate.

Bus technical characteristics
The two electric city buses are Eltron model M3-Class I by Rampini, are 8 meters long with two doors for boarding and alighting passengers for a total of 45 people transportable in case of presence on board of a wheelchair for disabled people and 48 without. In addition to the lowered boarding platform to make it easier for elderly people, a manual ramp is also provided to allow disabled people to get on board.
The electric motor has a power of 281 kW which allows an autonomy of approximately 250 km in real operating conditions. The buses have an overnight charging system to maintain machine shifts without the need for intermediate charging during daily service.
The two new electric vehicles are added to four other latest generation city buses, with Euro 6+ engines, which have recently entered service on the Arezzo fleet. These are three 12-metre Evobus Conecto model city buses and one 10,7 m bus. Otokar brand. In this case the purchase is part of the plan renovation planned with financing Ministerial Decree 223/2022.


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