The House of Psychology also arrives in Brescia
It is estimated that in the province of Brescia 20% of children and young people suffer from a neuropsychological problem.
The House of Psychology also arrives in Brescia.
Recently in the Brescia area a situation of unease among adolescents has emerged which is greater than expected: it is estimated that in the province of Brescia 20% of children and young people suffer from a neuropsychological problem.
For this type of developmental age problems, adequate prevention strategies are needed both in terms of resources for treatment and coordination of the health, educational and social system.
Also to better monitor this emergency, the Order of Psychologists of Lombardy, which has long been involved in the promotion and diffusion of psychological culture through the organization of cultural events open to the public, opens the doors of House of Psychology also in Brescia.
The events of the Casa della Psicologia of Brescia will be held at the Spazio Cascina Parco Gallo in via Corfù, 100, and at the Mille Miglia Museum in Viale della Bornata 123 in Sant'Eufemia (Bs), two of the most beautiful and easily accessible locations for those arriving from the city or the province. Furthermore, the hall of the Cascina Parco Gallo can be used free of charge by OPL members resident in Brescia as a venue for independently organized initiatives.
Psychology has always been a living science characterized by a very strong interconnection with people's lives, with social and economic changes, with changes in customs and thoughts, whose contribution develops within a two-way exchange with society.
The latter in fact asks psychology to find answers to the problems of the present and benefits from its ability to continually renew itself.
The organization of events and periodic meeting moments can be a precious opportunity for the diffusion of psychological culture and to facilitate interaction between professionals in the sector, the non-specialist public and the Order of Psychologists of Lombardy (OPL).
The House of Psychology of Brescia opened the season with an event at the Cascina Parco Gallo in Brescia entitled “Powerless and confused: adults faced with adolescence. What strategies?”.
The seminar was a moment of reflection on the struggles of adults in their relationship with adolescents and on the tools to adopt to best support the latter in their growth path.
“This new experimentation – declares Davide Baventore, vice-president of the Order of Psychologists of Lombardy and coordinator of the Casa della Psicologia project of Milano and Brescia – will allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of the initiative to structure it in future years: we have chosen to start from Brescia, which is the province with the highest number of members of the Order of Psychologists after Milano. We also aim to promote in Brescia a model of cultural events on a regular basis to fuel a fruitful intellectual and cultural exchange and offer local members an opportunity to meet each other and with the Order, in order to grow psychological culture , also through the involvement of different professionals and figures from the cultural world".
The scientific committee of the Casa della Psicologia of Brescia is composed of: Davide Baventore, Vice President of the Order of Psychologists of Lombardy; Valentino Ferro, Treasurer of the Order of Psychologists of Lombardy; Francesco Bocci, Psychologist Psychotherapist specialized in dynamic psychotherapy at the Alfred Adler Institute of Milano; Gianni Cambiaso, Educational Director of the Brescia branch of the Mara Selvini Palazzoli Specialization School; Marialuisa Gennari, Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milano and Tiziana Scalvini, psychologist and psychotherapist with an intersubjective psychoanalytic orientation.
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