The Autism Center at Colle del Pionta is underway: the agreement between the Municipality and the Local Health Authority has been approved
The Autism Center will be a space of services and social innovation.
The Autism Center at Colle del Pionta is underway: the agreement between the Municipality and the Local Health Authority has been approved.
Arezzo. The Autism Center, the result of collaboration between the Municipality and the Local Health Authority, is the first center in Tuscany and among the few in Italy that will have the function of holding together health responses, socio-health actions, social innovation and cultural awareness projects for autism and more generally for intellectual disabilities. The headquarters are at Colle del Pionta, which strengthens its vocation as a health citadel, and will be operational in the first half of 2024 while the works are nearing completion, that is, by the end of 2023.
“For our city, this space represents a challenge to be won at all costs not only for the quality and integration of the services that we provide together with the Local Health Authority and which we want to increasingly strengthen, but for its specific characteristic which sees it as a place of social experimentation, awareness and cultural sensitization aimed at schools, families, economic categories, the world of work and individual citizens – comments the vice mayor Lucia Many -. A strategic and leading role will be entrusted to the associations that have spent so much in recent years not only to guarantee rights but also for a cultural revolution that allows us to deal with intellectual disabilities in a more mature and contemporary way, looking beyond just the health and putting people at the center with their aptitudes and talents. The associations will be coordinated by the Arezzo Community Foundation which, upon indication of the Municipality of Arezzo, will be the operational arm for all social and cultural innovation initiatives. The objective is to make this place a place where the most advanced practices are experimented, sedimented, collected, told. Arezzo continues on the road to becoming an outpost of inclusion", concludes the vice mayor.
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