Emilia Romagna Region donates one million euros to support companies for the disposal of blue crab
The Region has created a regional tender intended to support companies in the costs of transport and disposal of unmarketed blue crabs. Furthermore, the authorization for the capture and sale of the crustacean has been extended by one year. Applications for the contribution can be made by 15 September 2024. A flat-rate payment of 1,50 euros is expected for each kilogram of product eliminated.
Emilia Romagna Region donates one million euros to support companies for the disposal of blue crab
Not all blue crab specimens collected in these months, during the emergency which is putting the fishing sector to the test and aquaculture in the upper Ferrara area, can be intended for marketing. A part, in fact, is not suitable and must be disposed of.
To support this activity, the Region has approved a new tender, worth one million euros, addressed to companies holding state concessions for shellfish farming plants: they will have like this the possibility of submitting applications for contributions for the costs incurred for the transport and disposal of the blue crab not commercialized.
"Another million euros available to fishing and aquaculture companies for the disposal of blue crab- underlines Alessio Mammi, regional councilor for Agriculture and Fisheries-. This is a measure budgeted to guarantee additional resources to companies and support their profitability, which has suffered a severe blow especially with regards to the production of clams in the Goro pocket and in the Comacchio adductor canals. With this provision- continues the councilor- we will recognize contributions for disposal, which are added to the million euros allocated during 2023 as compensation for lost production. We are trying to do everything possible - concludes Mammi - to support the companies affected by this phenomenon: we will not leave them alone, waiting for the activation of a national strategy that we have been asking for since the beginning of this emergency".
They will therefore serve to reimburse companies for disposal costs, recognizing a value equal to 1,50 euros per kilogram of product. A figure which includes as a flat rate the costs incurred for the transport, handling, on land and at sea, of the crab specimens, the charges and costs incurred for disposal in landfill or in authorized disposal centres, as well as the administrative costs for the management and organization of transport and disposal operations.
The call: recipients and timing
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises can apply for the grant (SMEs) active in the aquaculture sector according to the definition in Annex 1 of Regulation (EU) no. 2022/2473. The companies must be holders of concessions of state-owned areas intended for the maintenance of aquaculture facilities; furthermore, they must be registered in the Register of Agricultural Companies of the Emilia-Romagna Region. Applications must be submitted by September 15, 2024.
Authorizations for the capture and sale of blue crab have been extended to July 31, 2025
The blue crab is a very prolific species, is continues to reproduce rapidly and uncontrollably, heavily impacting the entire marine and coastal habitat and economic activities.
For this reason, the Emilia-Romagna Region has extended the duration of the authorization for fishing companies holding a maritime state concession to catch and sell it until July 31, 2025. (managerial resolution no. 14004 of 9 July 2024).
Companies will then be able to catch, harvest, transport on land and market the blue crab within shellfish farming facilities, through the use of "pots/baskets and fixed nets" tools on boats registered in category V, under the conditions and limits established by the resolution.
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