SIISL opens from December 18th to unemployment benefit recipients
Rome, 23 November 2024 – The evolution of the Information System for Social and Work Inclusion (SIISL), the platform of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, managed by INPS, for the intersection of supply and demand for training and work.
In implementation of the Articles 25 and 26 of the Cohesion Decree (DL n. 60/2024), the Ministerial Decree of 21 November 2024 n. 174 sets 24 November as the date from which the NASpI and DIS-COLL application, once accepted and paid, will lead to automatic registration on the Siisl platform, with the aim of promote the professional requalification of the beneficiaries of the benefit and facilitate their more effective reintegration into the labour market. From 18th December, then, the platform will be open to all Italian and foreign citizens who, voluntarily, will be able to upload their CV and express interest in carrying out a work or training activity.
The same decree signed by the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Marina Calderone, also indicates the methods and conditions through which employers can publish their personnel searches on SIISL, how the vacancies published by employers on other national and international public platforms will be entered into the system, as well as the limits and guarantees in the use of artificial intelligence to direct users towards training and work opportunities in full compliance with personal data according to the GDPR regulations.
Those who have lost their jobs will thus have greater opportunities find a job in line with your educational background and previous professional experience or train to increase your attractiveness, while companies will be able to acquire qualified personnel.
«Our goal is work: the SIISL platform is a tool to optimize the intersection between supply and demand for work and training – stated the Minister Calderone -. With this decree we consolidate the creation of a single digital system at the national level that overcomes the fragmentation that has existed up to now and in the future will allow us to map training needs, types of courses offered and skills sought, as well as workers looking for a new job. An operation of transparency, and therefore also legality, that will help to have a fundamental system vision to address the major transitions underway in the world of work".
The decree is transmitted to the Court of Auditors and the Central Budget Office for the relevant controls.
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