Sicily: Acireale and Sciacca Spas, task force sets timetable for redevelopment

Schifani: «I will carefully monitor compliance with deadlines».

Sicily: Acireale and Sciacca Spas, task force sets timetable for redevelopment.

The work of the technical table established by the President of the Region, Renato Schifani, continues for the resolution of all the technical and bureaucratic critical issues related to the redevelopment and relaunch of the complexes spas of Acireale and Sciacca.

At this morning's meeting at Palazzo d'Orléans, a precise timetable of the actions to be carried out in this first phase was defined, with the identification of the modernization and restructuring interventions of the two plants and the preparation of a complete picture of the necessary investments.

«It is a rigorous agenda of tasks assigned to the regional departments called to be part of this real task force – said the President of the Region, Renato Schifani – to achieve what is a programmatic point of my government action. The reactivation of the Acireale and Sciacca spas is a strategic objective for which we have allocated 90 million euros from the Cohesion Agreement signed with the national government. I will personally monitor compliance with deadlines, ready to exercise substitute powers to achieve the result. I said this clearly to the managers present at the meeting so that each of them feels fully responsible for carrying out the assigned work, within the established times. We must move on immediately because it is unacceptable and unsustainable to leave the spas of Acireale and Sciacca still unused, precious resources on a tourist level which instead must be duly valorised. It is a waste that is no longer tolerable."

The meeting was attended by the general managers of Productive Activities, Carmelo Frittitta, of Finance, Silvio Cuffaro, of the Regional Technical Department, Duilio Alongi, of the Basin Authority, Leonardo Santoro, of Rural Development, Fulvio Bellomo, the head of the Palermo mining district, Salvatore Pignatone, and Luciano Abbonato representing the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, which provides technical assistance to the Region.

The task force addressed the technical and bureaucratic critical issues linked to the closure of the liquidation phase with the acquisition of real estate properties and the restoration of the thermal water supply sources, with the necessary chemical and physical tests.

In particular, for the acquisition of the real estate of the Terme di Acireale company, the government presented an amendment to the maneuver ter being examined by the Ars which allocates 670 thousand euros. However, there are various possible solutions being examined for the assets owned by the Terme di Sciacca. In the next phase, which will lead to the definition of the procedures for identifying the private partners who will be called upon to manage the spa facilities, the interested territories and their respective local administrations will also be involved.

Sicilia: Terme di Acireale e Sciacca, task force fissa cronoprogramma per la riqualificazione.

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