Rome, the new Anas campaign on road safety in collaboration with MIT and State Police
From today on the main national radio and television circuits, on the web and on the main social networks, the new commercial on road safety will be broadcast with the slogan "When you're driving, everything can wait". Three Influencers are the protagonists of this commercial Vincenzo Schettini, Ruben Bondì, Iris Di Domenico
Rome, the new Anas campaign on road safety in collaboration with MIT and State Police
The new spot on road safety from the Anas campaign starts (“National Autonomous Road Company”) “Just Drive” in collaboration with MIT (Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport) e State Police. With the slogan “When you're driving, everything can wait”. The main recommendation remains unchanged: no without exceptions to distracted driving, dangerous behavior, failure to comply with the Highway Code.
The message focuses on responsibility as a commitment to make, in digital jargon a call to action.
The commercial features three influencers as protagonists: Vincenzo Schettini (The Physics We Like), Ruben Bondi (Cooking with Ruben) and Iris Di Domenico (I'm still Iris), filmed as they are about to start a video. But their action immediately remains on standby. Stop, blocked, immobile. In the second scene a girl has just parked: unfasten the seat belt, get out and lock the car with the remote control, takes his cell phone from his bag, unlocks it and start looking at it. In that moment the action of the three influencers comes alive, comes back to life and moves. As always.
In an era of continuous, uninterrupted stimuli and visual messages, often prioritized at all costs, is It is essential to understand that everything can wait while driving. They say it for the first time in the Anas commercial three famous influencers, who live and they work with views, connections, likes and followers.
“Every day Anas women and men are committed to ensuring safety on the 32 thousand kilometers of our road network - underlines engineer Aldo Isi, CEO of Anas - respect for the highway code remains a fundamental value. A duty of each of us, but also a heritage to be disseminated and shared tirelessly. Starting with our boys and girls." The CEO of Anas recalls how “93% of road accidents derive from driver behavior such as distraction, excessive speed, impaired driving. Nor should we ever forget that the main cause of mortality in Italy in the 19-23 age group is road accidents".
"This initiative is in line with the awareness campaigns implemented by the Department of Public Safety through the Traffic Police - highlights the Central Director of Specialties of the State Police, Prefect Renato Cortese - to tackle the phenomenon of road accidents and involve especially young people with the aim of transforming the vision of road safety from an obligation to a conscious choice. Achieve the goal of zero fatalities on our roads - underlines the Prefect Cortese - it is a challenge that places respect for life and the person at the centre; communication can become a precious ally that complements the proximity work carried out in the field by the Traffic Police, in a synergistic action that amplifies and spreads a clear message: road safety is a collective responsibility and each of us can make a difference, because no one is immune from risks and our safety and that of others depends on the choices we make every day, every day."
The new Anas commercial, which has become an annual event, it was made in three versions of 15, 30 and 45 seconds and will be broadcast, starting from today, Friday 19 July, on main national radio and television circuits, on the web and on the main social networks.
The commercial will also be present on the social profiles of Anas and the State Police: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and on the Youtube channel.
All information about the campaign “DRIVE and ENOUGH” are available on the page
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