Rieti, competition published for the recruitment of 3.852 Carabinieri
June 26 is the deadline for submitting applications for the competition for the recruitment of 3.852 Carabinieri.
Rieti, competition published for the recruitment of 3.852 Carabinieri
The competition notice for the recruitment of 3.852 carabinieri students has been published in a four-year term which can be reached participate by submitting an application by June 26th
― 2.675 places are reserved for volunteers on fixed leave, on duty or on leave, of age not exceeding twenty-eight years and to volunteers with a fixed initial fixed term in service, of age not exceeding twenty-five years of age.
- 1.145 seats are reserved to Italian citizens who have not passed the twenty-fourth year of age;
- 32 finally, to candidates in possession of a bilingualism certificate.
Another requirement, in addition to Italian citizenship, is having achieved or being able to achieve, by the end of the 2023/2024 school year, the upper secondary education diploma which allows access to universities (for candidates already in service, or discharged on 31.12.2020, possession of a lower secondary education diploma is required).
At the time of presentation of the application the candidates have the right to express preference for training and employment in the specialization regarding forestry, environmental and agri-food protection.
The competition includes a written selection test, physical efficiency tests, the assessment of psychophysical and attitudinal suitability and the evaluation of qualifications.
The winners will be admitted to the training course at one of the Carabinieri Student Schools, upon completion of which they will be entered into role, with the rank of Carabiniere and, subsequently, assigned to the various departments of the Army.
A career, that of the Carabiniere, educational and stimulating, that allows use in all branches of the Army, diversifying their experiences and operating in different geographical contexts, in Italy and abroad, acquiring new knowledge and experiencing the priceless sensation to feel useful to people every day.
All detailed information on the announcement of competition can be found on the institutional website: www.carabinieri.it and in all Army Stations.
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