Ragusa: the Baroque and Neo-Baroque festival
Piazza Pola was the heart of the festival with several guests, including Mauro Ferraresi and Cristina Morozzi, and music with the Cantus Novo polyphonic choir.
Ragusa: the Baroque and Neo-Baroque festival.
Ragusa experienced the fourth edition of the Baroque and Neo-Baroque festival, which welcomed great masters and academies of fashion and design to the extraordinary setting of Ibla and Donnafugata to reinvent, together with local excellence and talent, the baroque aesthetic while maintaining its spirit.
At the Palazzo della Cancelleria, the creations created by the designer were discovered Angelo Sanzone and Roberto Semprini, curator of the festival.
There were 6 main locations of Baroque and Neobaroque.
Pula Square was the heart of the festival with several guests, including Mauro Ferraresi and Cristina Morozzi, and music with the Cantus Novo polyphonic choir.
Meetings with artists such as Nigel Coates, Alessandro Enriquez, Maurizio Favetta and Sara Ricciardi, and journalists such as Aurelio Magistà of Repubblica, Patrizia Piccinini of Architectural Digest and Gilda Bojardi director of Interni.
Palazzo Cosentini hosted the exhibitions of the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, the Vanvitelli University of Campania, the Academy of Timişoara and the Art High School of Ragusa; of the artists Nigel Coates, Giuseppe Campailla, Roberto Semprini, Maurizio Favetta, Dario Ghibaudo and Barbara Vicari, of the Korean company in Via TOV.
Palace of the Chancellery hosted the installations of Angelo Sanzone and Roberto Semprini for three days.
Alessandro Enriquez will curate the macro installation AMORE in San Vincenzo Ferreri, open to the public until June 20th. The San Vincenzo Ferreri Auditorium will also host Deborah Iurato's concert in its churchyard, which will be held at 17.30 pm on Saturday 1 June, on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition.
“It is with a desire for growth, with a hunger for beauty – says the mayor Peppe Cassì – that we have experienced the new edition of Baroque and Neo-Baroque, in the wake of a path that aims to constantly broaden the prospects of this Festival now known throughout Italy. The celebrations of San Giorgio, Ragusa Ibla (but not only Ibla), are preparing to welcome national and international masters of design and fashion for a reinterpretation of the Baroque in which our city is much more than a unique scenography. Ragusa, its artisans, its schools, its people were ready to welcome and test themselves, to show the wonder of yesterday and enhance the talents of today, to amaze”.
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