Lodi: 8 million euros from the region and the Cariplo foundation for seven "emblematic projects" 

Seven new projects that aim to address some local problems

Lodi: 8 million euros from the region and the Cariplo foundation for seven "emblematic projects".

Every year, Cariplo Foundation intended for three provincial territories the sum 5.000.000 euros to support initiatives which have the characteristics of 'Emblematic Interventions'. Lombardy region, in turn, active resources with the same maintenance. The support of the Community Foundation, an antenna for the needs of the territory, and of the Province of Lodi was fundamental, as they offered their contribution to the selection of the projects.

I Emblematic projects selected for the province of Lodi
1. Associazionee Calam - Lodi art centre mixed hairstylists and aesthetics of Lodi: 'TI Lab' (Talent Innovation Lab) project. Skills and training for the future, dedicated to enhancing professional training in the Lodi area. Contribution 1.910.283 euros.

2. Friendship social cooperative society of Codogno for the project 'The rose garden', which intends to reconstruct some properties in order to create a single stable residential solution for 12 people with serious disabilities who frequent the Cooperative's services. Contribution 908.269 euros.

3. Province of Lodi for the 'Cers project in the Lodi area' which intends to create 3 solidarity renewable energy communities, which will pay particular attention to the social impacts of the initiative. Contribution 948.269 euros.

4. South Adda Park for the 'Cicladda - Soft mobility and tourist enhancement of the Adda Lodigiano' project', located in the area of ​​the middle course of the Adda in Lodi to promote its attractiveness through the creation of an itinerary that connects places of interest through forms of sustainable mobility (cycle paths). Contribution 908.269 euros.

5. Municipality of Codogno for the 'Codogno open factory' project' with focus on one of the most significant monuments of the city of Codogno, namely the historic building called 'Ex Soave hospital' on which a restoration and functional redevelopment intervention is planned to allow the reuse of the asset. Contribution 908.369 euros.

6. Municipality of Casalpusterlengo for the project 'Between castles, towers and Lombard courts' to carry out refunctionalisation and valorisation interventions of some historic-monumental buildings, providing for a more innovative programming in which the urban regeneration intervention implies - in addition to the redevelopment of the properties. Contribution 908.269 euros.

7. Municipality of Lodi for the 'Greenway' which was created with the aim of promoting new forms of use and promotion of the green areas of the city of Lodi and the enhancement of cycle and pedestrian traffic in the city. It is part of a broader itinerary of environmental, historical and cultural value that crosses much of the city territory. Contribution over 1.508.267 million euros.

Lodi: da regione e fondazione Cariplo 8mln di euro per sette "progetti emblematici

Giovanni Azzone, president of the Cariplo Foundation: “In these emblematic projects there is attention to people and places: there is respect for the work of our young people, there is consideration for the places to be regenerated, to give them new life; there is attention towards the fragile, and the environment. These are initiatives that concretely implement the concept of sustainability, which means taking care of those who come after us, not using the resources that are at our disposal today and leaving the problems to those who will come in the future, but offering future generations the same opportunities we had. Therefore, among other things, with these projects we recover places, promote gentle and less polluting mobility, and focus on culture as a unifying factor for the community and between generations. Allow me to thank the Lombardy Region which co-finances the projects; who preceded me in the governance of the Foundation, today we reap the fruit of their important work; and finally a special thank you to those who promoted and will carry out these interventions: without them the projects would only remain on paper".

Attilio Fontana, president of the Lombardy Region"The interventions concern the entire Lodi area transversally, from a multidisciplinary perspective that allows us to affirm the Lombardy Region's attention to the places and the people who live there. Strengthening active labor policies, combating youth hardship, protecting the environment, clean energy, relaunching culture and tourism are the guidelines from which the joint action with the Cariplo Foundation moves, which allows us to plan policies that look to the future and which are truly sustainable. With this public-private partnership model we reiterate the importance of putting the person at the center."

Pierluigi Carabelli, member of the Central Charity Commission for the Lodi area"Fondazione Cariplo together with the Lombardy Region confirms a great sensitivity to the Lodi area by supporting projects that take on a transversal relevance that goes from culture to society through environmental sustainability. The philanthropic activity of our Foundation, in fact, has always tried to respond promptly and concretely to the needs of the territories, listening to emergencies and new problems".

Mauro Parazzi, president of the Community Foundation of Lodi"The well-selected projects together highlight a clear idea of ​​the future of the territory and the commitment of our community in following the path of development that is attentive to the vulnerable, the environment, culture, art and - of fundamental strategic interest also for the business world - to professional training".

Fabrizio Santantonio, president of the Province of Lodi: “The Emblematics represent an important opportunity for the territory to develop strategic planning for interventions capable of having a profound impact on the changes that the local reality is called upon to face, at various levels. From this perspective, local authorities and social entities have been able to grasp the meaning and potential of this tool, presenting proposals characterized by knowledge of the needs of our communities and a clear understanding of the areas on which to concentrate energy and resources, also thanks to the support of preliminary work coordinated by the Cariplo Foundation which made it possible to effectively orient the objectives to be identified and the methods with which to pursue them. The fruit of all this is a programming framework that contains ideas of great interest and places the Lodi area in front of stimulating challenges. Even the proposals that could not be accepted because they exceeded the availability of the Fund represent in any case a contribution to be valorised, as they are capable of bringing value to the growth of the territory, through the search for further possible support tools".

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