Piedmont, General of the Army Corps Andrea Rispoli visits the Carabinieri Forestali of Alessandria and Asti

The occasion of the visit allowed the Commander of the Carabinieri Forestry Group, Col. Stefano Gerbaldo, to illustrate the activity of the 16 departments located in the territory of the two provinces

Piedmont, Army Corps General Andrea Rispoli visits the Carabinieri Forestali of Alessandria and Asti.

Army Corps General Andrea Rispoli, Commander of the Forestry, Environmental and Agri-food Units of the Carabinieri, visited the Carabinieri Forestali of the provinces of Alessandria and Asti on Friday.

Piemonte, il Generale di Corpo d'Armata Andrea Rispoli in visita ai Carabinieri Forestali di Alessandria e Asti

The occasion of the visit allowed the Commander of the Carabinieri Forestry Group, Col. Stefano Gerbaldo, to illustrate the activity of the 16 departments located in the territory of the two provinces, highlighting how controls and services for the prevention and combating of environmental crimes are growing (since the beginning of the year, 63 reports of crime have been reported to the Judicial Authorities and 140 administrative sanctions have been contested for a total of approximately €146.000), in a context of integration into the institute's activities as a whole considered.

Piemonte, il Generale di Corpo d'Armata Andrea Rispoli in visita ai Carabinieri Forestali di Alessandria e Asti

Gen. CA Rispoli, together with the regional commander Gen. Castiglia Benito and in the presence of Colonel Lando Paolo, provincial commander of the territorial line of the force, met a delegation of the Carabinieri Forestale Nuclei at the Asti forest barracks, expressing his appreciation for their professionalism, the constant commitment and the results achieved in combating environmental crimes, from furtive cuts, to hydrogeological instability and forest fires, to the protection of the agro-forestry and faunal heritage of the territory, as well as to anthropic disturbances in river areas, so delicate for the good hydraulic operation in case of weather warnings.

Piemonte, il Generale di Corpo d'Armata Andrea Rispoli in visita ai Carabinieri Forestali di Alessandria e Asti

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