Oristano: The Diocesan Caritas and the Guarantor of the rights of persons deprived of personal liberty of the Municipality organize the conference "The prison with glass walls: transparency and proximity"
On Thursday 5 September, from 9.30:2 am, in the Conference Room of the Hotel Mistral XNUMX, volunteers and prison system workers will discuss the issues of transparency, rights, living conditions, styles of proximity and social participation in the treatment process and reintegration.
Oristano: The Diocesan Caritas and the Guarantor of the rights of persons deprived of personal liberty of the Municipality organize the conference “The prison with glass walls: transparency and proximity”.
The Diocesan Caritas of Oristano and the Guarantor of the rights of persons deprived of personal liberty of the Municipality of Oristano organize the conference “The glass-walled prison: transparency and proximity”.
Thursday 5 September, from 9.30 am, in the Conference Room of theHotel Mistral 2, volunteers and prison system operators will meet on the issues of transparency, rights, living conditions, styles of proximity and social participation in the treatment process and reintegration.
The day will be divided into two sessions. The first, from 9.30 to 12.30, will be dedicated to the training in testimony, will be animated by the contributions of Father Gabriele Iiriti (chaplain of the Cagliari-Uta prison) and Carla Chiappini (journalist, expert in autobiographical methodology and editor-in-chief of Ristretti orizzonti for the prison of Parma). The second, from 15.30:10 pm to XNUMX am, will bring together representatives of the institutions for an analysis of the problem and a reflection on the prospects: after the greetings of the Mayor of Oristano Massimiliano Sanna and the other institutional representatives, Speakers will include Monsignor Giuseppe Baturi (Secretary General of the CEI), Mario Galati (Superintendent for Sardinia of the Department of Penitentiary Administration), Maria Cristina Elizabeth Ornano (President of the Surveillance Court of Cagliari), Desirè is missing (Regional Councillor for Labour, Professional Training, Cooperation and Social Security), the lawyers Irma Conti and Mario Serio (National Guarantor Board for Persons Deprived of Personal Liberty) and Maria Francesca Cortesi (professor of criminal procedural law at the University of Cagliari). Senator Andrea Ostellari (Undersecretary of State for Justice) will speak. The proceedings will be moderated by the journalist Carla Chiappini.
“The idea of a “glass-walled prison” represents a powerful and controversial metaphor for reflecting on the relationship between transparency, rehabilitation and social justice in the penal context – observes the Guarantor of the rights of persons deprived of personal liberty of the Municipality of Oristano, Paolo Mocci, presenting the conference -. Exploring this concept, we can draw interesting ideas for a rethinking of the prison system. A prison with glass walls implies transparency, not only in the physical sense but also in the ethical and moral one. Transparency can contribute to greater accountability on the part of penitentiary institutions and society as a whole. The glass walls also symbolize a system that does not hide prisoners but makes them an integral part of society, promoting their rehabilitation. Society should see and understand the conditions of prisoners, promoting a more humane and rehabilitative approach”.
“In a just society, prison should be a tool for rehabilitation and reintegration, not just for punishment – Mocci emphasizes -. This requires an approach that recognizes the inherent dignity of each person and the opportunity for redemption and personal growth. Glass walls can symbolize the possibility of redemption and forgiveness, showing that prisoners are not permanently excluded from society but have the opportunity to change and improve. A transparent penal system, moreover, should offer concrete opportunities for rehabilitation and reintegration”.
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