Mantua: 43 students who graduated from high schools were awarded.

43 students who graduated from Mantua's high schools with a score of 100 cum laude in the 2023/2024 school year were awarded. The awards were presented by the mayor of Mantua Mattia Palazzi and the municipal councilor for public education Serena Pedrazzoli, on Wednesday 28 August, in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall in via Roma.

Mantua: 43 students who graduated from high schools were awarded.

They were 43 students who graduated from Mantua's high schools with a score of 100 cum laude in the 2023/2024 school year were awarded. They were delivered by the mayor of Mantua Mattia Palazzi and the municipal councilor for public education Serena Pedrazzoli, on Wednesday 28 August, in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall in via Roma.

To young people who have distinguished themselves for their commitment to studies the Festivaletteratura booklet was offered, the book “The history of Mantua in 21 objects” by Stefano Scansani, the Supercard Cultura, which will be activated in the next few days, and free entry to two Festivaletteratura events to be chosen from those selected by the organizing committee.

In the crowded council chamber they are the mayor's compliments resounded. “We are proud of you – he said – because you represent an excellence of our city. A compliment also goes to your families. We wanted to reward your commitment. You also have to have fun. Mantua offers many cultural stimuli. For this reason we give you a book on the history of Mantua, the Supercard Cultura to encourage museum visits, and the Festivaletteratura events. Italy is one of the countries where people read the least, it is our duty to encourage reading".

Mantova: premiati 43 studenti diplomati presso Istituti superiori. Tra i premi anche la Supercard Cultura, e l’ingresso gratuito a due eventi di Festivaletteratura.2

Councilor Pedrazzoli he recalled that in recent years the services for young people have been expanded. “At Baratta – he added – we have extended the opening hours to make it easier to stay in the library, in the historic center we are looking for self-managed spaces for young people, Virgil's museum at Palazzo del Podestà, which will open at the end of the year, will be based on new technologies and interactivity in tune with the language of young people".

At the end, the debate was opened to the contribution of the young winners who They talked about their experiences at their respective schools, the support they received from their families, and their future university choices.

Here are the winners with their institutes: Camilla Baroni, Simone Cappa, Anna Carraro, Diego Ceresa, Giulia Faggioli, Giulia Fornasari, Andrea Gavioli, Luca Guernieri, Marco Mantovani, Francesca Manzelli, Alessandro Moreschi, Silvia Sbarbada, Elisa Genovesi, Giulia Gorni, Lucia Maramotti, Anita Provvedini, Irene Tedeschi (Itis Fermi), Sofia Araldi, Camilla Guarnerio, Giulia Mogliani, Ortensia Margot Ottolini, Francesca Zucchini, Lucrezia Maria Visentini, Agnese Scaglioni, Martina Bertagna, Gianmaria Galli, Angelica Porrini (Virgilio High School), Dimitri Felice Giorgio, Miriam Marfia, Giulia Merlin (Belfiore Scientific High School), Andrea Burigana, Veronica Caffarra, Sara Franceschini, Anita Gheno, Lucia Bruzzi (D'Este High School), Gaia Limido, Sofia Elena Pasetto, Margherita Vagliani (Redentore Institutes), Anna Pavarotti, Silvia Maccarini (Strozzi Institute), Beatrice Leoni, Greta Marconi and Manuel Bedani (Pitentino Institute).

Mantova: premiati 43 studenti diplomati presso Istituti superiori. Tra i premi anche la Supercard Cultura, e l’ingresso gratuito a due eventi di Festivaletteratura.

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