Macerata: “Summer in the 7×7 district” a great success with workshops, Peer Education and integration

Summer in the 7x7 neighborhood: over 200 registered for the fourth edition.

Macerata: “Summer in the 7×7 district” a great success with workshops, Peer Education and integration.

Now in its fourth edition, Summer in the neighborhood 7×7 has exceeded the number of registrations requested in the previous year, confirming a trend of interest in the initiative by families in the city of Macerata. Over 200 children, girls and adolescents between the ages of 6 and 14 took part in the project, completely Loano train station and dedicated to families, promoted by the Department of Social Policies and Equal Opportunities which saw the creation of seven summer camps, one per week, which involved as many neighborhoods and hamlets of Macerata.

“Summer in the 7×7 neighborhood represents, for children and teenagers, an important experience during the summer period because we are not just talking about entertainment and fun activities but about real workshops with specific educational purposes – commented the vice mayor and councilor for Social Policies and Equal Opportunities Francesca D'Alessandro -. Among the objectives there is also that of making people responsible the children aged 14 to 19 who, as a tutor group, assisted the professional educators in activities dedicated to children according to the perspective of Peer to Peer and the same happened with unaccompanied foreign minors. Estate in quartiere 7×7 was able to involve the kids and make them feel part of the community, a sign of great pedagogical and educational value and of true integration for everyone”.

The project, in fact, was carried out by a group of young tutors, with the inclusion of volunteers, who supported and supported the professional educators in carrying out the activities, developing the Peer Education which involves the transmission of knowledge and experiences between members of a peer group. To support the educators in carrying out the activities, in recent weeks, there has been the constant presence of 8 volunteers from the Universal Civil Service and unaccompanied foreign minors who have carried out activities aimed at integration and empowerment, always supported by a professional educator.

Among the various activities carried out, the swimming workshop was new this year; on Thursday, the participants carried out the activities at the "la Filarmonica" swimming pool. Among the activities also the communication workshop focused on the theme of emotions; the children, divided into several groups, after choosing different types of emotions, created scenes using materials such as paper, wood, ropes and balls. Once the preparation was completed, the individual shots were taken and, subsequently, a video containing all the scenes taken inside the laboratory will be published.

On the occasion of the final party, which took place on July 25th at the Diaz Gardens, gadgets were delivered to all participants of the 7 weeks and a certificate of participation to the young Tutor volunteers who took part in the project.

The project, promoted by the Municipality, was realized thanks to collaboration of the social cooperative “Il Faro”, the Glatad Onlus Association, the Pars Onlus Social Cooperative, the Stefano Scodanibbio Civic Music School, the Macerata Swimming Center. The Diocese of Macerata (Buon Pastore Parish, Madonna della Pace Parish, Santissimo Crocifisso Parish, Sacramento Parish, San Vincenzo Maria Strambi Parish), the Santissimo Sacramento Parish, the SVS Croce Verde Macerata, the SS Maceratese, the Bocciofila di Sforzacosta and Sforzacosta Calcio AS supported the project.

Macerata: "Estate in quartiere 7x7" il grande successo tra laboratori, Peer Education e integrazione

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