Macerata: new Piediripa bridge, tender for works published

The Province has published the tender for the awarding of the works for the construction of the new Piediripa bridge, along the Sp 34 Corridoniana, which will be built alongside the existing one.

Macerata: new Piediripa bridge, tender for works published.

The Province has published the tender for the awarding of the works for the construction of the new Piediripa bridge, along the Sp 34 Corridoniana, which will be built alongside the existing one.

Offers must be submitted by 15 October 2024 at 9am and the tender will be awarded according to the most economically advantageous offer criterion.

“The section affected by the intervention has a strategic importance for the territory since it undoubtedly represents the main access to Macerata, as confirmed by the very high average daily traffic of over 29.000 vehicles. – explain President Sandro Parcaroli and Vice President Luca Buldorini –. For this reason, the construction of a new bridge would guarantee the capital, even in the case of the existing bridge being closed for maintenance work or any unforeseen event, its main access and connection to the highway, in addition to improving the flow of the enormous traffic flow for the transition from two lanes (one in each direction) to four lanes (two in each direction) in the affected section”.

Once all the offers have been received and evaluated, the Province expects to be able to award the works by the end of the year or, at the latest, by the beginning of 2025.
The executive project, drawn up within the Provincial Roads Office, provides for the construction of a new bridge next to the existing one that will have a total length of 180,45 meters, with the abutments positioned slightly further back than those of the existing bridge to minimize the impact of the work on the flow of the current.

Two more lanes will be created, in addition to the two existing ones. The construction of a cycle/pedestrian path is also planned on the right side of the bridge (direction Corridonia-Macerata), with two lanes, 2,50 meters wide, which will also allow the descent towards the banks of the Chienti river, both from the Corridonia side and from the Macerata side.

The project also includes widening the existing road, northwards, up to the roundabout at the intersection of Provincial Road 34, Road 485 and Provincial Road 63 in the municipality of Macerata and, southwards, up to the roundabout near the “CorridoMnia” shopping centre.

From a structural point of view, a mixed solution was chosen, whereby the deck will be made of steel and concrete, the foundations will be on reinforced concrete plinths, built on large piles.
Macerata: nuovo ponte di Piediripa, pubblicato il bando per i lavori.

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