Macerata: architectural lighting and maintenance, the Porta Montana underpass reopens
The overall project includes, among the various interventions, the architectural lighting of Porta Montana and Porta San Giuliano, of the staircases of Viale Leopardi and Viale Puccinotti and the maintenance of the historic staircase of the Convitto in Piazza Marconi.
Macerata: architectural lighting and maintenance, the Porta Montana underpass reopens.
The redevelopment and architectural lighting works of the Porta Montana underpass were presented, which are part of the "MurAperte" project, promoted by the Administration, fully financed by the National Complementary Plan of the PNRR and aimed at the redevelopment of the northern city walls and the paving of Viale Trieste.
The overall project includes, among the various interventions, the architectural lighting of Porta Montana and Porta San Giuliano, of the staircases of Viale Leopardi and Viale Puccinotti and the maintenance of the historic staircase of the Convitto in Piazza Marconi. In continuity with the light design interventions that are affecting various areas of the city, the Porta Montana works, carried out in collaboration with the teachers of the Academy of Fine Arts of Macerata Mascia Ignazi and Francesca Cecarini, will allow the reopening of the underpass for public use .
“Thanks to the work of the municipal offices and the Academy of Fine Arts of Macerata for their precious collaboration – said the deputy mayor Francesca D'Alessandro -. In addition to the reopening of the Porta Montana underpass, with this redevelopment we are rediscovering an important place also from a social, aggregation and safety point of view".
“Restoring the monumental beauty of a historic corner of the city: this is what we have done with a conservative restoration and architectural lighting – commented the Councilor for Public Works Andrea Marchiori -. A great opportunity was created from a problem, the infiltrations in the underpass. Thus the public works program called "MurAperte" continues precisely to give the image of a center no longer isolated from the context that surrounds it. With the restoration of the walls, alleys, floors and historic buildings, we now understand the organic regeneration work we are implementing."
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