Macerata: CrescoLab arrives, the project designed to help children in the educational field
CrescoLab, a project to give a more specific response to the topic of school inclusion and to pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) who need support and assistance during their studies.
Macerata: CrescoLab arrives, the project designed to help children in the educational field.
Il project, created by the Department of Social Policies in collaboration with the Anffas Foundation of Macerata with the contribution of the Guarantor for personal rights, reconnect to those already created"Afternoons in the neighborhood 7 x 7” with homework help and aggregative play activities during the school period andSummer in the neighborhood 7 x 7"With recreational and sporting activity in summer, aimed at supporting children and families who have socio-relational and economic fragilities, preventing youth distress e promoting healthy educational spaces and interactions through a widespread service that covers the entire municipal territory.
During the experimentation of the project are emerged, in fact, some cases of cognitive difficulties and/or specific learning disorders for whom the educational figure alone was not sufficient and hence the need for the implementation of specific professionalism.
Thanks to collaboration with the Anffas Macerata Foundation, which has always been a point of reference in the area for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities and/or neurodevelopmental disorders, CrescoLab offers two professional figures, a psychologist and an educationalist, who carry out support and support activities and to offer specific paths for students with DSA, facilitation and linguistic mediation activities for students with a migratory background.
“CrescoLab wants to protect the well-being of the child, and facilitate the processes of didactic and educational growth, which is why we are not talking about simple 'afternoon repetitions' - hstated the councilor for social policies Francesca D'Alessandro during the press conference presenting the project – but we are talking about an inclusive project that aims to acquire a study method and guarantees support for the student throughout the entire school career from both a pedagogical and psychological point of view. Another peculiarity of the Crescolab project is the continuity and the work that is carried out in concert with the multidisciplinary team (neuropsychiatrist, psychologist, neuropsychomotor therapist, speech therapist and social worker) who follows the child from a rehabilitation point of view and the periodic comparison with the school to align objectives and work interventions".
“I immediately liked CrescoLab's design – said the Guarantor for personal rights Giancarlo Giulianelli recalling how minor disability is at the center of his new project path “Disabled to whom?” which it intends to carry forward and which affects various fields of intervention – because it does not only concern children with disabilities but is also aimed at providing psychological support to family members. There is a desire to refinance it further for the following years".
“The Crescolab project fits into the wider context of inclusion and in particular scholastic inclusion. In its daily work, Anffas meets children and families who need to implement the rehabilitation process with support services for their school career - intervened Marco Scarponi president of the Anffas Macerata Foundation – and through the Crescolab project it intends to protect the well-being of the child by facilitating the processes of didactic and educational growth, guaranteeing the acquisition of a study method and support for the student from both a pedagogical and psychological point of view. For this reason the service is managed by a psychologist and an educationalist who carry out their activities in concert with the Anffas multidisciplinary team. An important piece that was missing in the offer of Anffas services and that thanks to the collaboration of the Municipality and the contribution of the Guarantor we are able to offer at an affordable cost for all families".
Particularly Crescolab stands out as important obiettivo that of respond to a dual type of situations that Anffas intercepts on a daily basis: on the one hand it searches for the need for people requesting access to rehabilitation but who due to age and/or situation do not meet the priority criteria for immediate rehabilitation, and therefore remain on the waiting list for a long time, and on the other to the need of families in charge of rehabilitation services and already followed but who need to implement the rehabilitation process with support services for their school career.
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