Lecce: Parco dei Colori, the Comunità Arcobaleno project wins the Luoghi Comuni tender
On July 27th public meeting to present the project
Lecce: Parco dei Colori, the Comunità Arcobaleno project wins the Luoghi Comuni tender.
Is called Rainbow Community and it will have as wire conductor the game the winning project gang regional "Common places“, to which the Municipality of Lecce nominated the Color Park, which, therefore, gives September will be returned to Borgo Pace neighborhood and to the city with renewed management.
Initiative of the Department of Youth Policies of the Puglia Region and of ARTI (Regional Agency for Technology and Innovation), the Luoghi Comuni call finances with 40mila euros social innovation projects to be created in underused public spaces promoted by Apulian youth organisations. In the case of the Parco dei Colori, the winning project was proposed by DiVagare Aps (lead body) together with Fondazione Emmanuel, Spazio Sociale Zei, Unica Società Cooperativa Sociale, Cane Educato 2.0 and Associazione Seraphicus.
Rainbow Community intends to innovate the concept of playroom, creating one space that is frequented by all ages, based on active citizenship and sustainable development with the game becoming the tool to encourage a process of community growth through a light and participatory approach. There are four areas of intervention: the creation of playroom for 0-99 years for all ages that spreads the culture of gaming, the creation of a youth information desk, a series of workshops and initiatives to promote psychophysical well-being for families and the activation of the service Neighborhood Grandfather. In the park, there will also be a refreshment point, a vegetable garden and a cycle workshop, places of aggregation for the community. The different activities are included in a general playful and collaborative team game, in which the winning team will be rewarded with products created by the community in a prize organized at the end of the project which will become an annual community event.
«After the park in via dei Ferrari in the Rudiae-Ferrovia district with the “Tagghiate Urban Factory” project by Oikos Sostenibile, another park in the city, that of Colori, in Borgo Pace, will be redesigned and returned to the district – declares Heritage councilor Rita Miglietta – thanks to the regional call Luoghi Comuni. The park will have a new project that will see many young local businesses working together to create activities dedicated to children, teenagers, adults and the elderly."
«As DiVagare we can only thank – adds president Adriano Sergio – the Municipality of Lecce and ARTI Puglia Region for their trust in the Comunità Arcobaleno project, which was born with the aim of creating and strengthening a sustainable, intergenerational and intersectional community with the management of the public space Parco dei Colori, through play in its function educational and community. The activities are not aimed exclusively at children, but at all age groups. This would not have been possible without the collaboration of all the institutions and, above all, of all the people who supported us in the creation of a small community, destined to grow ever larger».
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