How to request a diamond appraisal a Milano.
In recent years the sale of used precious goods ("second hand" as they often say) has become increasingly trendy and the reasons are various, among which we remember, in particular, the following:
- increase one's liquidity reserves in order to face a difficult financial moment (perhaps following the loss of one's job) without requesting loans from a banking institution or finance company;
- make money by selling an item that perhaps is no longer to your taste and is no longer worn;
- getting rid of an object that evokes painful memories (typically a romantic relationship that has now ended) and making a profit.
However, these are just some of the reasons that can push a person to decide to sell a jewel or other valuable asset. However, regardless of these reasons, when you decide to sell a diamond it is essential to try to get as much as possible out of it; but how can we request a correct and impartial evaluation of our diamond (or another precious one)? For example, going into concrete terms, a private individual who wanted sell diamonds to Milano who should he contact? In other words, if you are not an expert on the subject, how can you obtain an impartial and correct evaluation? Of course, we could ask for an opinion by going to the first jewelry store we find in the city, but we would hardly have a truly objective evaluation.
In these cases, the most sensible thing to do is to contact one of the offices of Authentic, a leading international broker in the intermediation and valuation of diamonds, gemstones and other second-hand luxury goods (second-hand to put it in English) and which operates in the sale of used jewelery by private individuals. A broker like Authentic guarantees seriousness and professionalism and a completely impartial judgment as its aim is to get the most out of the sale of diamonds and second hand jewellery. In the specific case of Milano, the Auctenic team (which also has offices in Belgium, to be precise in Antwerp, the "city of diamonds" and in Holland, where the registered office is located) is located right in the heart of the city, in via Albricci.
To meet an expert GIA gemologist (Gemological Institute of America) simply request an appointment at the Auctenic headquarters in Milan on the day and time that suits you best. The evaluation of the precious object, in addition to being highly accurate, updated and completely impartial, is subject to the utmost confidentiality.
However, it should be noted that to request the evaluation of Authentic it is absolutely not necessary, especially for those who live outside Milano, go directly to the Milan office, because Auctentic also offers the possibility of a home evaluation with an expert gemologist (the ideal service in the case of properties of a certain importance or hereditary bequests that include a certain quantity of jewels with diamonds, precious stones , luxury watches etc.). There are also various other online services offered by the broker.
What can be the value of a used diamond?
It is correct to point out that it is practically impossible to obtain 100% of the original purchase price from a second-hand jewel. Having said that, it is important to turn to a serious and specialized company like Auctenic, which has a network of over 2.000 international buyers. In this way, we will be sure to receive the highest possible offer on the international market.
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