Healthy Breakfast and Academic Performance: Ideas for Kids and Teens

Learn how a balanced breakfast can improve energy, concentration and academic performance in children and teenagers.

Healthy breakfast and academic performance: ideas for children and teenagers.

Eating breakfast in the morning is essential to provide energy to the body and mind to best face the day and, in fact, numerous studies confirm this. In particular, a recent study, conducted by researchers from three different Australian universities and published in the Journal of School Psychology, questioned what the optimal type of breakfast is and whether it has a role in school performance.

The study involved 648 high school students, aged 13 and 14, from five private schools in New South Wales, and compared three breakfast models: one considered “healthy” according to the Australian National Health Dietary Guidelines, an “unhealthy” one and, finally, no breakfast at all. The results showed that students who had consumed a balanced breakfast were more motivated and achieved better academic performance. On the contrary, those who had not eaten breakfast recorded lower results, while those who had consumed an unhealthy breakfast performed similarly to those who had skipped the meal.

Therefore, this study also confirms that breakfast is a fundamental meal for children and school-age children, as it provides the energy needed to face the day and supports cognitive functions essential for learning and good academic performance.

What does a healthy breakfast consist of?

A balanced breakfast should include a combination of complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats, along with essential vitamins and minerals. Complex carbohydrates, found in foods such as whole grains, whole wheat bread, or oatmeal, release energy gradually, helping you stay focused throughout your class. There are plenty of these carbohydrate options at the supermarket, such as Bennet's, which has a large section of cereals and muesli on offer. Proteins, found in foods such as yogurt, milk, eggs, or nuts, help stabilize blood sugar levels and keep you feeling full. Fresh fruits and vegetables, rich in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, complete the picture, supporting the immune system and promoting good digestion.

On the contrary, a breakfast rich in sugars and saturated fats, such as packaged snacks or sugary drinks, not only provides “temporary” energy but can lead to a rapid drop in blood sugar, causing difficulty paying attention and early tiredness. In extreme cases, skipping breakfast altogether can further compromise school performance and motivation to learn.

Educating young people and their families about the importance of a nutritious breakfast is essential to ensure a good start to the day. adults must set a good example to the little ones, offering simple but healthy meals that meet the needs of growth and development. Therefore, a healthy breakfast is not only important for a question of well-being and nutrition, but is also essential for good school performance.

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