
Città della Pieve: Scammers pretending to be members of the police force, suggestions from the Carabinieri who meet the population of Tavernelle di Panicale

Those present asked numerous questions to the soldiers of the Corps, contributing to the success of the meeting also through the sharing of testimonies or personal experiences.

Città della Pieve: scammers pretending to be members of the police force, suggestions from the Carabinieri who meet the population of Tavernelle di Panicale.

The Commander of the Carabinieri Company of Città della Pieve and the Commander of the Tavernelle Station at the multipurpose center “The Eye” of Panicale (PG), Tavernelle district, met the citizens, about seventy people, to raise awareness on the delicate issue of scams and deceptions to the detriment of the population.
The meeting, which is part of a broader awareness campaign against scams promoted by the Provincial Carabinieri Command of Perugia, was also attended by the Deputy Mayor of Panicale.
During the activities, the military described to the audience the methodologies most commonly used by fraudsters to steal the trust of their victims, warning those present above all from the consolidated technique of “fake member of the police force/lawyer”.

What often occurs, in fact, is an attempted deception perpetrated by telephone where the interlocutor - who presents himself as a member of the police force - contacts an elderly person by telephone and informs him that his child/grandchild has remained involved in a serious road accident and who, to avoid serious consequences (including criminal ones), will have to deliver cash or precious objects to a person in charge (sometimes a fake lawyer) who invariably shows up at the home of the unfortunate person.

The meeting served to share a general rule: if a stranger asks you for money or jewellery, call 112!
There was also talk of virtuous behavior aimed at combating the phenomenon of thefts from homes, from parked cars (near churches, cemeteries or shopping centres) and online scams.
The Carabinieri reiterated to those present the need to always activate the alarm system - if present - when leaving your home even for a limited period of time, not to leave the keys inserted outside the house door, not to leave doors or Open windows.
The need to not leave keys inside cars parked on public streets or in courtyards was reiterated.

Those present asked numerous questions to the soldiers of the Corps, contributing to the success of the meeting also through the sharing of testimonies or personal experiences.
The awareness-raising activity will continue in the coming weeks with other meetings in the municipalities of Trasimeno.

Città della Pieve: truffatori che si fingono appartenenti alle forze dell’ordine, i suggerimenti dei Carabinieri che incontrano la popolazione di Tavernelle di Panicale.

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