“Città che Legge”, the Macerata and Civitanova project financed with 45 thousand euros

The two municipalities obtained funding for a shared project. The aim is to raise awareness among citizens of the importance of reading.

“Città che Legge”, the Macerata and Civitanova project financed with 45 thousand euros.

It was financed with the national tender “City that Reads” of the Cepell (Centre for Books and Reading) for a total amount of 45 thousand euros the project entitled "Lands that read", which sees the Municipality of Macerata as the leader, with the "Mozzi Borgetti" library and the civic museums of Palazzo Buonaccorsi , and the involvement of the Municipality of Civitanova, with the Civic Art Gallery and the “Silvio Zavatti” library, of the Contesto cultural association, of the Omero State Tactile Museum, of Seri Editore and of Vydia Edizioni d'Arte srl.
The objective of the project, identified as one of the 35 "examples" financed by the tender, is to introduce reading to a public that normally does not frequent the library and does not read, breaking down social, economic, psychological, linguistic and cultural barriers, with a view to of audience development. The aim is to broaden the audience from a quantitative point of view, with an increase in the number of visitors, but also from a qualitative point of view, with the deepening of the relationship of trust and loyalty of readers; in this regard, the creation of a card for the two libraries is planned also to obtain cultural benefits and more.

“After the great satisfaction for the recognition obtained also last year by “Città che Legge”, this year for the first time the Municipality of Macerata, together with the Municipality of Civitanova, was among the winners of the tender which allows us to enrich and enhance municipal libraries and beyond, to promote culture and, in particular, the spread of reading" commented the Councilor for Culture of the Municipality of Macerata Katiuscia Cassetta. “Teamwork between two important municipalities in the province which is synonymous with valorising the precious work that our libraries carry out every day to promote reading. With the resources we have obtained and thanks to the collaboration with associations, publishing houses and institutions, we will enrich the skills of the staff and the offer for the public who we hope will be increasingly numerous in frequenting open, modern, inclusive spaces and with stimulating and quality. The project is also an opportunity to promote the territorial collaboration network of the Macerata Pact for Reading, signed by numerous associative subjects in the Macerata area who share the same objectives" concluded the Buy Boxes.

“In the last three years our Administration has received the coveted 'City that reads' recognition and today the news of having also won the national Cepell tender with an important loan together with the Municipality of Macerata fills us with pride” said the mayor of Civitanova which has the delegation for Culture Fabrizio Ciarapica. “A sign that our administration with its Culture office has long done an excellent job in collaboration with the Zavatti Civic Library and also with the involvement of the Moretti Civic Art Gallery, two flagships of our City, always active and improving continuous for the cultural growth of our fellow citizens. Personally, I have always believed that bringing young generations closer to reading was the cornerstone on which to base the individual and cultural growth of tomorrow's citizens. Finally, the success achieved together with the Municipality of Macerata makes us understand how important it is to implement the memoranda of understanding between multiple administrations and to work in a network always having a shared vision of intent, thus overcoming useless localism, to the exclusive advantage of the entire territory ” concluded the mayor of Civitanova Ciarapica.

The aim of the project, lasting 12 months, is to raise awareness among citizens of the importance of reading for individual and social growth, providing specific actions aimed at the inclusion of children and adults with special needs in the world of books. The two libraries, the University of Macerata, schools, bookshops, publishing houses and associations will be involved, representing the key points in the process of promoting books and reading.
The project also aims to extend the cultural offer and reading in disadvantaged contexts to promote inclusion and active participation. On the inclusion front, the “Mozzi Borgetti” library is completely accessible and has always been attentive to the needs of people with disabilities. In the children's section, books and supports dedicated to the public with sensory and cognitive difficulties are available, such as In-Books, AAC texts, books with facilitated and tactile fonts. Furthermore, in the last two years, activities have been organized to raise awareness of the In-books through workshops promoted by the association ARCA of Senigallia. Thanks to the funding, thematic meetings will be organized on the topics of disability and digital.
In the first four months, the implementation of training activities aimed at librarians, educators, teachers and booksellers is planned and at the same time the activities involving schools will start. In the second quarter the project will affect, in particular, the two museums of Macerata and Civitanova and all those activities that involve the creation of a multimedia product or a book will begin. The traveling reading promotion program planned by the Municipality of Civitanova will take place in the third quarter.

“Città che Legge”, finanziato con 45mila euro il progetto di Macerata e Civitanova.


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