Bologna. Bike sharing boom in the city: 550 bicycles coming, free for Tper subscribers and discounts for company employees.

With the beginning of May, many new features for bike sharing in Bologna are coming.

Bologna. Bike sharing boom in the city, which is further strengthened: 550 bicycles arriving, free service for Tper subscribers, monthly subscription at 30 euros and discounts for company employees.

With the beginning of May, many new features for bike sharing in Bologna are coming. A service managed by Ridemovi, the only operator in the city, which in the first quarter of 2024 reached 567.356 trips, with an increase of 37% compared to the same period of the previous year. Considerable increases were recorded both in the overall duration of rentals (+43%) and in the distances traveled (+26%). Data that confirm how bike sharing is increasingly establishing itself as a mobility solution for getting around the city and represents an important piece in the overall strategy of the Administration for increasingly sustainable mobility. A service that now wants to be further strengthened with several innovations to improve it, offering new solutions to users, also in relation to the numerous construction sites present in recent years in the city starting with the tram.

First of all with the increase of 400 e-bikes and 150 muscle bicycles which will bring the "fleet" to a total number of 3.000 e-bikes and 650 muscle bicycles against an initial commitment of 1.800 and 500 respectively.

Important discounts and new subscription proposals are also being introduced.

The most relevant concerns users in possession of a public transport season ticket who, from the end of May, will be able to use the bike sharing service for free throughout 2024. The operational details to activate this service will be provided in the coming weeks.

A monthly subscription for e-bikes is introduced, worth 30 euros, which will allow you to make 30 trips of 15 minutes each. This initiative will be of an experimental nature for a duration of 3 months, at the end of which the operator will evaluate the possibility of continuation in the future.

The publication of the notice aimed at mobility managers is also imminent which also includes the possibility of purchasing pass packages for their employees, by companies that join the Bike to Work 2024 project financed, with 259.574,76 euros for 2024, by the Emilia-Romagna Region in favor of the Municipality of Bologna.

Promotions are also being considered for students over 16 in view of the opening of the school year in September 2024.

Finally, the operator will improve the maintenance and repositioning service of muscle bicycles, in order to make this type of vehicle more attractive to users. In fact, the intention is to reduce the percentage of vehicles that cannot be rented because they are still undergoing repairs. To date, this percentage is around 18%.

Tariff adjustment
In light of these numerous concessions and new features in the service, as provided for in the contract with Ridemovi which provides that every two years the fares can be adjusted to 75% of the FOI inflation index with reference to the month of May, there will be an average increase in fares of approximately 9% starting from the beginning of May.

The rates for e-bikes will therefore change to:
from 1,82 euros/30′ to 1,99 euros/30′ for the user who ends the rental inside the parking area
from 2,32 euros/30′ to 2,49 euros/30′ for the user who ends the rental outside the parking area.
Muscle bike rates will not increase.

Bologna. Boom del bike sharing in città, che si rafforza ulteriormente: 550 biciclette in arrivo, servizio gratuito per abbonati Tper, abbonamento mensile a 30 euro e agevolazioni per dipendenti di aziende.

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