Benevento, the "Grandpa Vigile" surveillance service begins

The surveillance and support service for crossing roads called "Grandpa Vigile" is underway

Benevento, the "Nonno Vigile" surveillance service begins.

The surveillance and support service for crossing roads called “Grandfather Watchful”.

The important volunteering initiative is, as is known, offered by the section of Benevento of the National Association of State Police as part of the recent memorandum of understanding signed with the Municipality.

The traffic councilor gave the news, Attilio Cappa, and the councilor for social policies, Carmen Coppola, which renew the thanks of the Administration led by the mayor Clement Mastella to the association of officers on leave for the precious and generous contribution offered to protect the safety of children.

Benevento, al via il servizio di sorveglianza “Nonno Vigile”

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