
Ancona: from 4 to 6 October the first Mobile Dental Clinic arrives in Piazza Cavour for check-ups for the prevention of mouth diseases

The mobile clinic, linked to the "Right to Prevention" project, will be available to the public, with priority to citizens under 14 and over 65, from 10 am to 18 pm for check-ups for the prevention of oral diseases and for an information activity through the distribution of illustrative material.

Ancona: from 4 to 6 October, the first Mobile Dental Clinic arrives in Piazza Cavour for check-ups to prevent oral diseases.

From 4th to 6th October in the central Piazza Cavour in Ancona, on the occasion of the events dedicated to Extra G7, will support the first Mobile Dental Clinic, born thanks to the collaboration with the ANDI ETS Foundation, the Italian Red Cross, the Rotary Club Milano Villoresi of District 2041 (Metropolitan District of the City of Milano) and Mentadent-Unilever.

The mobile clinic, linked to the project “Right to Prevention” will be available to the public, with priority to citizens under 14 and over 65, from 10am to 18pm Check-ups for the prevention of mouth diseases and for an information activity through the distribution of illustrative material.

No reservation is necessary.

The referents for this prevention project as a corollary to the Extra G7 will be the Dr. Ernesto Castelli, president ANDI Ancona and the Prof. Angelo Putignano of the Polytechnic University of Marche.

"Once again - underlines the President of the ANDI Foundation, Dr. Evangelista Giovanni Mancini – volunteer dentists make themselves available to all citizens to highlight the importance of preventing oral cavity diseases in terms of a good quality of life that concerns not only oral health but the general well-being of the entire body”.

Il program The complete version of 'Extra G7 Salute' is available on the institutional website: https://www.comuneancona.it/extrag7

Ancona: dal 4 al 6 ottobre in piazza Cavour arriva la prima Clinica Mobile Odontoiatrica per visite di controllo per la prevenzione delle malattie della bocca

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